Example sentences of "i [verb] [Wh adv] i " in BNC.

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1 The next day Errol called me to see how I was .
2 This practical demonstration of working positively with conflict gives me confidence in your work and helps me to see how I can listen better to others .
3 ‘ First let me explain why I have to go to Athens .
4 Just the one hitch : they 're always taking me places where I do n't want to go .
5 Perhaps you would phone me at home ( ) during the week running up to this date to let me know where I need to meet you .
6 If they 're no longer staying here , perhaps you 'll let me know where I can find them … ’
7 I 'll give you my home telephone number , and if you do n't find them until after I 've returned , and you 're not successful in persuading Suzie to go back to England , all I ask is that you let me know where I can contact her .
8 When I asked where I should send the woman I was told to contact the neurosurgical bed manager , who would tell me which ward to send her to .
9 I met the company commander ; I told him I had brought up some grenades and barbed-wire ; I asked where I was to put them .
10 I do n't know why I mean why I like Polo .
11 Afterwards , too late , I realized how I should have used my twenty-two seconds .
12 I realised why I was wrong about good theatre , about how it can enthrall in a way cinema and television rarely does .
13 Can I stay where I am ?
14 Can I stay where I am ?
15 And they did , because they were all drunk as well , and that 's how I got where I am today .
16 I cry whenever I go to the zoo .
17 I stand gasping for breath , as I realise where I am : stuck on a strip of concrete railway within a pair of electric rails , twenty feet above the ground .
18 I went to take Wendy 's laundry round Tuesday night I forget why I was , I do n't know , well I did n't call but I just drove on and got myself a says Jim you 're early tonight , quarter past ten .
19 I forget where I 'm supposed to be and what I 've done the day before and whose round it is … ’
20 In case I forget where I 've put it .
21 I forget where I was now .
22 Well I 'm , I 'm the same , I was talking to Rob the other day and er , I forget how I mentioned it , but I said something about , oh I think it 's because I was saying why do n't you come up like this week because he 's off this week , and er , he was making some excuse or other , oh I 've got three weeks off in the summer , oh I 'd sooner come up when I 've got this longest spell off , you know , and I want to get this chimney done and blah , blah
23 It brought several things to mind : the evident barrier during negotiations between the steward and the women ; the warnings of a friend about my own relationship with the steward — ‘ You put too much trust in that man ’ ; and the remark made when I reported how I had initially explained my research aims to the union stewards — ‘ You told the Secret Service !
24 Take Lao-Tse 's celebrated question : ‘ If when I was asleep I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly , how do I know when I am awake that I am not a butterfly dreaming I am a man ? ’
25 How do I know when I 've found a sett ?
26 How will I know when I 've done it ?
27 Can I choose where I go on Work Experience ?
28 I kill where I please because it is all mine .
29 The time it takes , the inevitable abstraction I show when I 'm involved with something big … ’
30 The first thing that I noticed when I arrived in the dusty Managua airport , besides the tanks parked in the landing field , was an enormous poster of an unmistakable Daniel Ortega , clad in blue jeans and a cowboy shirt , holding an infant with an earring .
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