Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bumface came here to tell me that he was going to fight the War Office and that he was not having the WO Instruction for me to report forthwith to the Ski Battalion at Bordon .
2 I called in at the office on one of my days off , to see what was doing , and found that a posting had come through for me to report forthwith to Group Headquarters at Huntingdon .
3 Mr Jaggers clearly thought Joe was a fool for refusing money , and left the house , reminding me to go straight to his office in London in a week 's time .
4 When we arrived at her house , Eva put her hand on my shoulder and told me to go upstairs to Charlie .
5 In she comes for her pension , takes it without a by-your-leave then calls me a bloody wog and tells me to go home to where I come from . ’
6 The reason is that erm the question of membership seems to me to relate essentially to the ministry of the whole people of God .
7 She asked me to come straight to you .
8 I gazed across to the rising ground beyond the farm buildings .
9 He twisted the throttle , 20 knots or more , skimming across the waves , while I clung tightly to the gunwhale , and Graham sheltered his daughter , Abigail , from the spray .
10 I clung hard to a sapling with my eyes closed , waiting for things to get better , telling myself that if I fell down again it would be much much much worse .
11 I tottered across to a cottage on the edge of the loch and asked for a pot of tea and a bite to eat .
12 I shall expect you always to be dressed by dinner time and whomsoever I bring home to my table you 'll be in readiness to receive .
13 ‘ Once the truth becomes apparent , nephew , ’ explained Richard of Gloucester , and I judge there to be no further danger of a rising to place another on the throne or appoint another as Lord Protector , Vaughan and Rivers shall be released — and no harm done . ’
14 I got wearily to my feet , muscles aching from the effects of drink and walk .
15 ‘ Look , ’ she said , ‘ in those three weeks I got closer to him than anybody .
16 As I got closer to the raised platform at the far end of the church , it was as if the sound was pushing me forward .
17 I got nowhere to pu , hide if anyone comes round .
18 We did not stop , and when I got home to Banbury it was to hear that my mother had died that day in Cardiff .
19 And er this erm tt As I say this old man , he he he 'd did n't like coming in too soon in the morning , and er a I could see he was finding it a bit difficult to find both our wages out of his money , although I got there to time and worked .
20 In early June , I got close to the top , and to the cirque , before having to stop the car at a snow-drift ; but if that happens you can simply enough walk the rest of the way or , indeed , walk directly into the cirque along the valley to the left out of He as .
21 They seemed to be mostly line-and-wash with an occasional burst of colour , and even when I got close to them I found I had to concentrate to see what they were about .
22 I got quickly to the parapet .
23 I groped for Toby in the dark and found his hands , and they held on to me , and I shouted again to an unknown listener as I had wanted to in the street : " I do n't want this !
24 I expect soon to be engaged , you see . ’
25 After primary school I moved away to a different High School but I have the photographs and certificates of achievement that I have worked for .
26 I moved again to Whitley near Reading .
27 I moved here to Blackburn wi' my Arthur in ‘ thirty-seven , and I never saw him again to my knowledge .
28 I moved closer to the entrance to the trench , pushed aside one of the heavy pieces of wood , and looked up at the sky .
29 As I moved closer to the edge of the site , I felt a sense of optimism welling up inside me .
30 Terry 's move at least meant there was now more space and I moved across to where Terry had been .
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