Example sentences of "i [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want me to sew this back on for you babe ?
2 ‘ Please , let me stay another minute or two , ’ said Melissa quietly .
3 You let me stay last year .
4 ‘ When I saw death coming towards me I began to think it had been a bad business for me to kill that guy . ’
5 There were an awful lot of tedious hours for me to kill that evening .
6 The guiding principle for the Government , she said , was that health care should be provided for all regardless of ability to pay : ‘ Let me make one thing absolutely clear .
7 ‘ Let me make one thing clear .
8 But Ferguson insisted : ‘ Let me make one thing crystal clear — Manchester United wo n't bottle it on the last lap of the championship .
9 ‘ I think I am being very reasonable , and let me make one thing quite clear .
10 Or perhaps it is all that rain which makes me want more water .
11 This ingenious arrangement has two advantages : it scents the house with an acrid , invigorating smell of frying cloth recalling a tailor shop in the Bronx , and it permits me to tend two kerosene burners , a Franklin stove , and a fireplace .
12 Why I 've been , it will be ten months that 's all Rita , ten month it took me to lose six stone , you do n't want to lose that much do you ?
13 She do n't pay me got another pack of peanuts so I have got a few that few , but you do n't need any old bag do you ?
14 ‘ Clever of me to acquire such information , do n't you agree ? ’
15 They wanted me to wear this wig , a gross , thick , nylon thing like something out of the Nolan sisters .
16 We asked James what he thought about his new job : ‘ Erm … like … you know … this gorgeous girlie was buying me drinks all night … like … you know how it gets … right ! … yeah … well …
17 In any case , there was not enough time left for me to go that way to look for him .
18 Do you know what it did to me to see that animal on top of you , about to … ? ’
19 ‘ To allow me to see that woman in the land .
20 The flat roof of our own house was high enough for me to see two summer screens for free .
21 But if it was so easy for me to see this evidence and to talk to those who had substantial proof of their ownership of homes in mandate Palestine , surely it would be no more difficult to go to Israel , find those same homes and — the idea had a special excitement about it — to knock on those same front doors .
22 ‘ Well , you shall have it as you wish , though it goes against the grain with me to see this fellow go free .
23 ‘ You want me to see this guy , sir ? ’
24 She has woven her spell and allowed me to see another world , another life , a life of the spirit .
25 I was surprised it had both a sunroof and air conditioning as they seem to me to cancel each other out .
26 Daddy 's gon na make me eat some tomato and , and cucumber
27 Let me eat some toast first .
28 Made me laugh last night , he said erm I , I , I always do a load of spuds he said even if it 's
29 12.20 : Another Social Worker asks me to arrange half-day visit to the School .
30 Now , the final point I want to make in this little section , and I think Liz is going to help me make this point , and that is that one of your problems , which is not a big problem compared with some organizations , is you 've got to take what you 're doing , and repackage it in such way that it is of interest to ordinary people .
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