Example sentences of "it must [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Given an input file of text , the task of a spelling checker is to identify those words which are incorrect , but first it must perform some document normalisation .
2 Fourth , it must continue this display while moving away from the nest .
3 It must involve some acts being done in State B , over which the law of that State may properly exercise a measure of control .
4 Are we then to add only that what is physical must also be observable , that it must possess some secondary quality — colour , hardness or solidity , texture , smell , taste To do so would exclude many very small particles whose existence is well established in physics , and also physical forces , such as magnetism .
5 I think it must do that .
6 It must go that way — must n't it ? ’
7 When the court is considering making a costs order against a party it must give that party an opportunity to make representations as to why the order should not be made ( FPCR , r22(2) ) .
8 But it is one thing to say that once the House of Lords is seised of the case it must resolve all outstanding issues in the appeal itself .
9 What I am suggesting is that if education is for all then it must meet all needs .
10 Northern Ireland 's problem is different from that of either Scotland or Wales in that there exists in Northern Ireland a substantial minority which fears oppression by the majority and if any scheme is to be adopted it must meet these fears .
11 It must advertise those units at a price .
12 It must place most weight on the numbers of pupils in the school , and must be applied even-handedly across all the authority 's schools .
13 Bill had books , and tobacco , and a book token from Marcus with a Brueghel snowscene reproduced on the front , which he turned over several times as though it must contain some message other than " Happy Christmas , love Marcus ' written neatly on the dotted line .
14 ( 5 ) The tender must be for cash , it must treat all shareholders equally and top-up arrangements are not permitted .
15 It is fitting to feel resentful , for example , when we have been wantonly injured ; but for an injury to be wanton it must satisfy these conditions .
16 It must make some chord fingerings awkward , though …
17 It must mean another operation .
18 The state must , therefore , like the parents of early childhood , protect the citizen and satisfy all his needs ; the state must , again like the parent of the infant , forgive , indulge and tolerate all his activities , even the parricidal , aggressive ones ; it must accept all criticism , but never criticize in its turn ; it must provide , but never demand in its turn ; it must love , cherish and value , but accept hatred , indifference and contempt in return .
19 She reckoned it must take all of eight or nine metric minutes per person .
20 If the new firm is able to accept instructions , it must take all proper steps to erect the " Chinese Wall " to preserve the confidentiality of the client 's affairs : the stringency and complexity of this pretty well rules out any possibility that instructions could be accepted from more than one of the clients involved .
21 Where a firm deals with or for a customer it must take all reasonable steps to deal on the terms which are the best available for the customer in the circumstances .
22 If , as a result of its inquiries under s47 , it concludes that certain action should be taken to safeguard or promote a child 's welfare it must take that action so far as it is both within its power and reasonably practicable for it to do so ( s47(8) ) .
23 If government says that a unanimous verdict is necessary for criminal conviction because special moral harm is suffered when someone is unjustly convicted of a crime , then it must take that special moral harm into account in considering , for example , the admissibility of confessions under various circumstances .
24 George Romanes , the evolutionist , physiologist and early comparative psychologist , declared in 1887 that ‘ we must look the fact in the face … it must take many centuries for heredity to produce the missing five ounces of the female brain ’ .
25 After all , when a quail is chased by a man , it must take more steps to run at the same speed .
26 Hence , it must include such assets as property , objets d'art , shares , debentures and other physical investment assets and collectables .
27 This is because it must include all assets which might be acquired for investment purposes .
28 It must have all seemed very strange . ’
29 However , it must have some earlier source .
30 Despite the superficial stupidity of the action , it must have some special advantage in at least enough cases for it to have been the subject of natural selection .
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