Example sentences of "it try [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Among the cloud of terns a solitary Arctic skua spins and wheels , selecting an individual bird and pursuing it to try to persuade it — bully it — to drop its catch .
2 Athenix Corporation , the start-up X terminals company , has hit a brick wall , forcing it to try to sell itself off or auction its supposedly breakthrough Multi-X technology .
3 He sent a lad after it to try to catch it and with disgust watched me limp towards him rubbing a bruised thigh .
4 In an unsigned editorial it tried to explain it by saying that there were too many explicit photographs of homosexual acts in the book ( Mapplethorpe takes pictures of oral sex , of a man pissing in the mouth of his partner and of men buggering each other in various ways , including with a fist ) , and that the authors had therefore not left enough space for his more restful images , such as his ‘ superb studies of people and flowers ’ , which the author of the editorial obviously sees as representing Mapplethorpe 's angelic side .
5 Its head twisted this way and that as it tried to reach my fingers with its chopping teeth .
6 It tried to improve its image ( even to the extent of holding a ‘ Miss KGB ’ contest ! ) .
7 It would not challenge capitalism , so it tried to support it ; but it could not make its policy acceptable to the trade unions on whom it depended .
8 In time , academic anthropology became less directly associated with evolutionary ideas , and it tried to establish itself as a respectable , if not conservative , branch of the social sciences .
9 It tried to bite its tail and fell over its own feet .
10 He says that none can get close enough to examine it properly becasue it tried to bite them .
11 The frog 's forehead bulged as it tried to get its mind around a new idea .
12 The only problem was that every time he let the dog off the lead it tried to provide itself with a sheep supper , so consequently he had to keep it on the lead and feed it on tins of beans , sausages , bacon and egg , which had so exhausted his stock of food that now he was living on porridge and giving the dog the rest of his sausages .
13 It tried to hide itself .
14 The snake began to choke as it tried to swallow his arm and simultaneously dislodge the obstruction from its windpipe .
15 It landed on the floor where it lay on its back , its numerous legs doing cycling motions as it tried to right itself .
16 Sally-Anne had one pain , one memory of which she dared not even think for fear that she would lose all command of herself , one memory which she always pushed away when it tried to attack her .
17 He skidded around , dodged easily around a giant hand as it tried to grab him , and hared along the table .
18 Strategic partnerships with software companies are the order of the day at Compaq Computer Corp as it tries to transform itself into a much more broadly-based systems manufacturer , and according to Computerworld , the latest is with Oracle Corp .
19 He asserted that the West was searching for a pretext for an Israeli military assault on Iraq and that this was a mistake , " because by God we will make the fire eat up half of Israel if it tries to do anything against Iraq " .
20 The rest are harder to get registered — designed by Giles Gilbert Scott in 1935 and dubbed jubilee kiosks , they were mass-produced until 1968 — but they are likely to survive so long as they are in good condition and in ‘ heritage locations ’ ( that is , near the house of somebody ready to give BT a hard time if it tries to take them away ) .
21 But pounced , it tries to intercept her look ,
22 It tries to deduce what , if anything , the author has to say , and then nags him into saying it clearly .
23 It tries to make you feel better by the sense of smell .
24 IT is almost inevitable that a critical overview of feminist writing on film reproduces the dominant features of existing debate , even as it tries to displace them .
25 It tries to raise their aspirations , alter their attitudes towards science , technology and computers , to ‘ widen ’ their horizons — i.e. to make them more like boys .
26 Latvia , in common with other former republics of the now defunct Soviet Union , is looking to the West not only for help but ideas as it tries to rebuild its shattered economy and create a better way of life in a society which has not been used to making decisions for itself .
27 The book 's first Russian readers seem not to have taken up its principal insight , that the most dangerous moment for an authoritarian government arrives when it tries to reform itself .
28 Pneumonia during the prepatent phase may cause signs of dyspnoea and depression , whereas the presence of adult worms and excess mucus in the trachea lead to signs of asphyxia or suffocation with the bird gasping for air ; often there is a great deal of head shaking and coughing as it tries to rid itself of the obstruction .
29 Equally , psychoanalysis is proving an indispensable method for investigating the deeper reaches of the racist imagination , but produces the most absurdly reductionist theories when it tries to apply its concepts to explaining the rise of fascism or the nation-state .
30 If you 're just trying to remember them all and you 've got all these words and letters floating round in your head it 's quite awkward is n't it trying to sort them out which is which cos there are you know millions of words .
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