Example sentences of "it might [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 No , I thought it might 've said at the back and Dinosaur
2 It might 've helped if Ivor had bothered to be here . ’
3 It might get rid of that as well , it might do .
4 The weaknesses are lack of security the time difference that it can bring if there 's lots of replies going backwards and forwards erm it might get mislaid , it might never get read , you do n't know you ca n't be sure that people are actually reading the memo er you do n't know what the reaction of the people is you ca n't go back on what you 've said because it 's on paper er and it lacks that personal touch can be expensive on time , times to you but sorry erm but can be expensive not on time but on materials .
5 While this spared the Bush Administration from the perils of thinking for itself , or heaven forbid , taking a policy decision for which it might get criticised , it naively ignored the danger that Bonn might have a large axe of its own to grind .
6 There 's also the problem that it might get nicked .
7 I had the , I ai n't taking number two because it might get nicked .
8 If I 'd told you about the entry earlier on it might have lulled you into a false sense of complacency .
9 The battle bus was not the great nerve centre of the nation which it might have appeared .
10 The initial emphasis of the project was therefore linguistic and , clinically examined , it might have appeared that to carry on with current curricula , making the change of language policy the only variable , would have made for more easily comparable results .
11 Superficially it might have appeared as though two brawny giants , immobilised but for the sway of their torsos , were about to jab and slash at one another , piercing and flaying till the vampire bat device decided that sufficient flesh had been sliced , that sufficient blood had coagulated in slim cinnabar threads .
12 After losing some men and witnessing some horrific atrocities that it might have prevented by timely action , the force began to jump in to keep the peace .
13 See it might have reached temperature before I mean I do n't know , I ca n't do a
14 And er so that 's er I stopped on six months , being an orderly , because I could n't go back into tailoring , obviously , because er it might have aggravated it all again .
15 If they had held it , as they should , over the Patriarch 's head , it might have kept the dew from settling on his mitre .
16 She halfexpected to find Griselda 's body , guessing that it might have met with the same fate as Melusina .
17 She searched for it , thought it might have fallen down , but could find it nowhere !
18 ‘ I found this on the floor — I wondered if it might have fallen out of his pocket . ’
19 It ran gently down the slope , and there it might have stopped but for Donald .
20 The acting was almost a by-product of that and had it not been for a fortuitous advertisement in Cardiff 's Western Mail , it might have remained just that .
21 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
22 Mrs Browning was still pale and shaky as we settled ourselves by the fire ( and what the moon saw , or what it might have seen if its beams could have penetrated the closely-drawn curtains supplemented by plastic sheeting to foil the poison gas , might have seemed a little unusual ; but who can tell what strange sights are enclosed within the cheerful light of a curtained window ? ) .
23 It might have served as a link between Britain and the Six , but it was not until after its first application to join the EEC had been rejected in 1963 that Britain began seriously to consider this as a possibility .
24 Mr Goldring said it might have crossed jurors ' minds ‘ Why should a nurse do these things ? ’
25 It seems that many Breton lords relied heavily upon the profits of wreck to boost their incomes , and to abolish it might have caused yet another rebellion in an area where Angevin control was still fairly fragile .
26 If that was the discovery Francis had made and mentioned in his diary it might have caused him distress but it was hard to see it as providing a motive for his murder .
27 At dusk the clouds over Manhattan , which had threatened snow all day , cleared and revealed a pristine sky , its colour so ambiguous it might have fuelled a philosophical debate as to the nature of the blue .
28 It would have been handled , she knew , with all the caution that the dust from the moon had been , since it might have proven to be toxic as any of the man-made monstrosities aboard Titron .
29 It might have given him some small comfort to know that , 75 years later , hydro-electric power was successfully produced a few miles away at Coaley Mill .
30 Absence from work due to sickness has certainly not been falling ; on the other hand , but for the increased spending on medicine , it is conceivable that it might have risen .
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