Example sentences of "it come [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 And their conclusion is , he could n't stand up to , to Lloyd George in and the reason was these were strong , erm , male leaders , and Wilson , when it came to being with men , er , was weak , and the question asked is , why was he weak in dealing with men ?
2 It was a fair enough question , and when it came to being fair Fabia endorsed that she owed him this particular explanation .
3 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
4 I do n't know how it came to be shown at the Carlton , East Ham , but one Sunday my parents took me to see The Sheep Has Five Legs starring the French comedian Fernandel .
5 The fascinating details of how it came to be are still waiting to be found .
6 It will compel B to let C make the legal claim in his name ; in the last resort it might allow C to take proceedings in Equity in his own name against A. Thus it came to be said that ‘ in Equity debts and choses in action are assignable ’ .
7 And so it came to be that the bewitching gesture of her father 's secretary walking down the golden path ( which bewitched me when I saw the woman in the swimsuit take leave of the lifeguard ) had completely gone to sleep in her .
8 ‘ Triumphant death ’ , as it came to be called by Evangelicals , was , first and foremost , a triumph with Christ over death ; in St Paul 's words , ‘ Death is swallowed up in victory . ’
9 But the term ‘ canon ’ was being used for the standard of authentic teaching given by the baptismal confession of faith well before it came to be used for the list of accepted books .
10 But we have to examine his other main passion : creative drama , as it came to be called round about this time .
11 Just how it came to be extinguished was something of a mystery , and even the Israelis who live in Ben Ami — the farming settlement that has been built on the site — had scarcely heard the name .
12 And although Gibson 's initial concern was with verbal learning , subsequent experimental investigations of ‘ stimulus pre-differentiation ’ , as it came to be called , were conducted in a range of transfer paradigms .
13 The retrievability , or recuperability ( as it came to be known ) , of the nouveau roman depended to some degree on the reader being convinced of the necessity for modernity .
14 Faith in education as an instrument of growth began to be eroded , and increasingly it came to be regarded , especially by the Treasury , as an extravagant indulgence .
15 Moreover , since it came to be accepted by many schools that a pupil could not study these separate subjects at A level unless he or she had already studied them at O level ( although in the 1950s it had been intended that O levels should be ‘ bypassed ’ by those who would study a subject at A level ) the domination of the university faculties began when a pupil was 14 .
16 ‘ Aerated water ’ , or soda water as it came to be called , was but one of Joseph Priestley 's many inventions .
17 He told chairman Michael Croucher he had found the nearby new frame while he was walking along The Hollow ( RUPP 45 ) at Bramshott and was puzzled as to how it came to be lost .
18 Its introduction into British schools for the deaf , first by the Rev. Thomas Arnold at Northampton in 1868 then by Mr. William Van Praagh at 11 , Fitzroy Square , London in 1872 , rapidly spread , especially after 1880 , until it came to be both detested and feared by leading deaf people everywhere who saw that it could — and indeed as it did — seriously damage the systems of education that had served so well since the growth of deaf education .
19 A story has been passed down with the spoon to explain how it came to be repaired .
20 It was decided to bring in Leeds-based Moss International to promote and find sponsors for the 1988 pie , ‘ pie ‘ 88 ’ as it came to be known .
21 Reading Native Races and their Rulers , one becomes aware of the extent to which Indirect Rule , as it came to be practised by Temple and presumably his fellow Residents , implied a special and refined kind of experience of power .
22 It came to be seen as yet another instance of the depravity of the Sussex poor , firmly pointed out in 1834 :
23 Subsidiary to that , though still important , are the issues of what it has to say and how it came to be : ‘ sources ’ and ‘ designs ’ once more , both things Tolkien disliked , but useful if not essential to a proper reading .
24 Long after his death The Pilgrim 's Progress so universally found its way into the childhood reading of all classes that it came to be regarded as part of the heritage of all Protestant Churches in the English-speaking world .
25 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
26 I asked Maureen about this strange and spectacular bird , and she told me how it came to be in her care .
27 This route , the ‘ Sacred Way ’ as it came to be called , saved Verdun .
28 Instead it came to be regarded as a base from which the school could reach out into the community .
29 Though a laudable objective , it came to be identified with health and local authorities seeking to make savings by passing costs of care to the social security budget maintained by central government .
30 It came to be replaced by the view that a ‘ new despotism ’ was arising from the growing practice of vesting legislative and judicial powers in the Executive .
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