Example sentences of "it so that it " in BNC.

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1 Considering the tenoning half of his design , I modified it so that it could quickly accommodate a different pair of blocks for each differently angled tenon .
2 Instead of privatizing the health service , I wanted to modernize it so that it could better tackle the problems of the 1980s and 1990s .
3 We simply stand the horse sideways to a solid fence or wall , so that the horse is less likely to think of swivelling around , and stroke its neck and talk quietly to it so that it is relaxed .
4 It is to have failed to give the transcendence of God its proper cash value , to have weakened it so that it means something like ‘ outside the solar system ’ or ‘ above the galaxy ’ .
5 The vast red sail burst free of its lashings , the wind filling it so that it bowed forward in a great scarlet curve on which was painted in brilliant gold the portrait of the Golden Girl herself , bubble-curled , lips pouting — Marilyn Monroe .
6 When you lift the wheelchair into the car , you should fold it so that it is sideways in front of you , with the handles to one side and clipped up ; then lean over the chair to grasp the cross-bar under the seat ; lift the chair up , step back with one leg , lever the wheelchair towards you , over your thighs , and then slide it into the boot , wheels first .
7 You should set it so that it is level with your shoulders ; to check this raise the mast beside you and mark the point .
8 Some may contain adulterants to enhance the aroma or to extend it so that it goes further ; others may contain pesticide residues or traces of chemical solvent from the extraction process .
9 After appel I collected some books from my locker — my locker was in a comer and there was always a pile of block rubbish in front of it so that it was a business to open and shut the door — and went out towards the library .
10 If this interpretation is correct , curriculum managers who wish to manage the curriculum in the sense of modifying it so that it is better adapted to the needs of real children and a real society , will be best advised not simply to resist and criticise , but rather to use the power that many people at all levels of the system actually have .
11 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
12 The bogwood went into a bucket of water to soak out any discoloration , and to waterlog it so that it sinks .
13 ‘ If you pin it so that it hangs down , people will catch their hair in it , ’ she was saying .
14 We positioned it so that it faced away from the doorway , to avoid draughts and to give the future inhabitants a little privacy .
15 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
16 But how to word it so that it did n't sound like the rambling of a wild man ?
17 The female releases them by reaching forward with her hind leg , inserting her longest toe into the sac entrance and pulling it so that it enlarges and her young are able to clamber out .
18 Leaning forward , he took her hand , smiling , and turned it so that it lay , the back upwards , in his strong square hand .
19 It walks on only five of its legs and holds the sixth out stiffly behind it so that it appears to have a sting projecting from the tip of its abdomen .
20 ‘ a person who signs a document , and parts with it so that it may come into other hands , has a responsibility , that of the normal man of prudence , to take care what he signs , which , if neglected , prevents him from denying his liability under the document according to its tenor .
21 And you can just pull it so that it flattens .
22 She would redesign the apartment , transform it so that it became a proper home , a space where friends could come , a place for gatherings , a home like the Princesse 's which always hummed .
23 Rostov rocked back to sit on his heels and the gold on the floor reflected his face , distorting it so that it was not recognisable .
24 There are two things we can do with hair on the upper lip , we can either bleach it so that it does n't notice , or we can actually remove it with wax , or we can have electrolysis .
25 Donaldson turned and saw that Bobo had her arm through the bars , prodding at the basin with a straw and rocking it so that it came close to spilling its contents within her reach .
26 If a ship of an improved design is not a contravention of the Yasa , then surely a means of propulsion which will drive it so that it can overcome the winds and currents is also permissible . ’
27 Put some of the icing sugar mixture on top and carefully mould the paste round it so that it covers the icing sugar .
28 Trampling over it may damage it so that it ca n't be used .
29 They 're perhaps little er more about the condition of the granules of a powder used for compressing into tablets , and the coating , how shall we coat it so that it washed away at once , dissolved slowly or anything like that .
30 The death threats he received in London do n't point to it , but if you have any other reason for believing that theory I must ask you to reveal it so that it can be properly investigated . ’
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