Example sentences of "it would [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 It 'd take for ever to find nomes down there .
2 They participated in it blindly , as if it would last for ever .
3 The marriage of James 's son James IV to Margaret Tudor , from which the Stewart claim to the English throne derived , came about more because of pressure from Henry VII than from any Scottish enthusiasm ; and the Treaty of Perpetual Peace which accompanied it would last for no more than eleven years , collapsing because James could not sustain his obligations to both France and England when Henry VIII joined the pope 's grotesquely named Holy League against France .
4 Some were very angry , they thought it would last for ever ; yes a bit down in the dumps , especially the younger people , some old people looked forward to it .
5 Lastly the serrated blade of the sickle required no sharpening : it would last for a whole harvest without attention .
6 The nuzzling continued as his lips found her own , teasing and provoking her to yearn for more depth in the caress , until suddenly he took possession of her mouth in a forceful kiss that went on and on as though it would last for ever .
7 It would last for another six months , but by the time it ended , intimate revue was finally dead .
8 Indeed one of the main arguments against the televising of Parliament was that it would damage the way the House works , although some thought it would change for the better .
9 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
10 It would control referrals to providers outside the district and it would pay for them at negotiated prices .
11 After all , if the Queen won the jackpot 60 times , it would pay for the Windsor Castle restorations .
12 It would control referrals to providers outside the District and it would pay for them at negotiated prices .
13 In 1989 however they decided to bring more people into Medicaid up to 100 per cent of the line , by restricting the number of treatments it would pay for .
14 It would pay for time on military computers and research on alternative energy sources and methods of cleaning polluted soil and water .
15 It would sit for a limited period , probably less than six months , and would take over responsibility for those areas of state operation essential for impartial elections including the security forces , a limited budgetary role , the state-owned media and the conduct of the elections themselves .
16 Either because he had the hump or because he thought it would make for a good show he started smashing the footlights one by one .
17 If the English paintings in the National Gallery could be included ( and I imagine that is not possible ) , it would make for a truly remarkable museum a real tribute to the ‘ Englishness of English art ’ .
18 The train had already left Sion when the avalanche struck and with the possibility of further minor falls it had retreated to the sanctuary of the station where the passengers were told it would remain for the rest of the night .
19 Theda 's eyes remained closed as the lumbering stagecoach rumbled its way from Newark , where she had caught it outside the Saracen 's Head , to Ashby-de-la-Zouch , where it would remain for the night before proceeding to Stafford .
20 In order to make appeal to this methodology , which is very commonly used in linguistic and philosophical discussion , we need to know what it would mean for the context to be ‘ slightly different ’ .
21 Did he really believe that it would vote for the introduction of industrial democracy in the Bullock Report 's dubious prescription for it ?
22 Dinah had brought a valise with her which contained her stage make-up ; it would pass for luggage .
23 The process of report and interrogation took quite a time , and Rostov began to suspect that if he and the others were to be subjected to some form of tribunal before their fate was decided , then at least it would pass for a fair one .
24 And not only would that help the battle against fraud … it would end for ever the embarassment of forgetting your PIN number .
25 It would persist for many generations .
26 In January Czechoslovakia announced that it would press for the withdrawal of 75,000 Soviet troops from its territory by the end of 1990 .
27 If the seller is allowed to qualify the warranties by a subjective test such as ‘ in the opinion of the seller ’ , the acquirer will not have the protection it would hope for .
28 And as he leaned against the railings he suddenly tasted it , the moment Creed had planned for him , the moment he 'd always longed for , dreaded now , still longed for , and it was burnt sugar , sweet and caustic , on his tongue , it was like the flight of a bird across a window , it was there and it was gone , he could n't dwell on it , he could n't let the terror in , all he knew was what it would do for him , he knew that it would give him membership , he 'd be past the sliding sheet of glass , he 'd finally belong .
29 It 's very small , only just room for the bunk , but it would do for a time .
30 This no doubt guaranteed their trustworthiness to their new comrades and may well have persuaded them that if communism was for their brothers then it would do for them too .
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