Example sentences of "it will be of " in BNC.

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1 One of the things that does , I 'm not being Chairman , just asking questions , but one of the things that slightly concerns me because I know that in his document the director has put about providing day care type facilities in rural areas and I remember at our last meeting , the last meeting at one , we discussed specifically and area , erm it does , does worry me a little whether the absence of any capital expenditure on our part means that we may be providing day care facilities in some areas but it 'll be of a very much lower quality or a lesser quality than we may be providing anywhere else in the areas like and and .
2 Well because it 's darkish in colour and I 'd rather promised myself that if I have anything new now it 'll be of a brighter colour .
3 We hope it will be of interest as well as help to you .
4 The continued success of their beers justifies such an approach but it will be of considerable interest to chart the viability of other beers as the drinking public reacts unconsciously to the character of extracts .
5 We will not follow Gassendi in much of this , but it will be of interest to note what he says in so far as it relates to experience .
6 It will be of value to itemise those aspects peculiar to that situation , and for convenience I divide them into ‘ helps ’ and ‘ hindrances ’ :
7 It will be of particular interest to analysts investigating batch-to-batch product variations seeking adulterants in samples , characterising or sourcing raw materials and monitoring for specific components or component mixtures in a complex chromatogram .
8 It will be of interest to all those who need to protect their products and processes .
9 As a result the remedy can be repeated without causing the patient any aggravation ; or if aggravation should occur it will be of short duration , easily controlled .
10 Viewing figures are so far quite encouraging for those who favour televising ; it will be of great interest to see whether , in the long run , they rise or fall .
11 It will be of good depth to encourage deep rooting and exploitation of its resources .
12 The flysheet suggests that it will be of particular interest to the neuropsychologist , the neurophysiologist , the linguist and thoughtful musicians .
13 It will be of immense value to the editors of the Daily Mail , Sun , Sunday Times , and even our very own , dearly-beloved Daily Express ( wakey , waaaakeeee ! ! ! ) as they prepare their entirely unbiased coverage of the political scene .
14 It may make the less good auditor concentrate his mind because he will feel that if he 's got a duty , he will have to do it , in which case it will be of benefit to the body politic . ’
15 Lexical checking here has the advantage that knowledge about how letters may legally combine by position is represented succinctly , and that any output from it will be of real words .
16 Some of the required information may be susceptible to precise description in numerical terms such as body size and strength , but most of it will be of the ‘ awareness ’ kind when the designer recognises broadly that particular kinds of people have particular advantages and limitations .
17 It will be of interest to determine if cadherin expression is a general feature of leukocyte subpopulations that reside in epidermis , and if cadherins are involved in leukocyte-epithelial interactions in other tissues as well .
18 With the increasing demand to attract larger audiences , it will be of interest whether television will shift down the road of creating the sex beast at every opportunity .
19 This measure may be of use to health care planners , but , even if it is eventually validated and accepted as an equitable way of allocating resources , it will be of little help to general practitioners , whose decisions are mostly concerned with managing self limiting minor illnesses .
20 However , it will be of little real interest to the binocular observer .
21 A compromise of allowing her to reduce her scheduled hours and time of working should be offered , thus providing some income and retaining her entitlement to annual leave when it will be of personal benefit to her .
22 It will be of particular interest to the library schools in central and eastern Europe , since it will open a window to the faculties , services and library culture of North America and western Europe , and will be available without taxing the limited foreign exchange resources which they may have . ’
23 It will be of considerable biological and medical interest to experimentally address the question whether the N-Oct 3 gene is sensitive to this mutation mechanism and if so , if a disease is associated with it .
24 In light of the potential regulatory effects of alternate expression of the three proteins it will be of interest to examine expression patterns during development or in different cell types .
25 In view of the ubiquitous expression of the divergent pou[c] transcription factor , it will be of great interest for future studies to elucidate the function(s) of pou[c] in transcription and/or replication and to determine whether pou[c] is involved in the regulation of a distinct set of target genes .
26 One of the aims of the new housing legislation is to increase the amount of rented accommodation available , but as this is dependent on private sector financing it is feared that it will be of greater benefit to the better-off section of the community .
27 I think this accurately summarises the position and it will be of comfort to prospective direct entrants that there are no proposals to raise further , in terms of age and experience , direct entry requirements .
28 It will be of immense help to people who need to discover who owns a particular property or piece of land and to solve any disputes that might occur over ownership .
29 It will be of interest to see whether the reasoning is applied to the courts ' powers of review ; if this took place a general right to reasoned decisions would have evolved .
30 I do n't know the comparable figure for a willow seed or an ant , but it will be of the same order of staggeringness .
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