Example sentences of "it but [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He does not refer to the factory or the tannery beside it but points cruelly instead towards some squalid huts behind a tin wall .
2 You wo n't be able to catch all of it but get as much down as you can .
3 If , however , you find yourself carrying three or four such problems it seems clear that there is nothing for it but to go back and attack the first difficulties again .
4 Nothing for it but to go back the way you came , to Neu St Johann , thence down the Toggenburg valley through the resorts of Nesslau and Ebnat-Kappel to Wattwil .
5 He tried to stop it but succeeded only in propelling it across the line .
6 If the Legal Aid Board , as the only party adversely affected by the proposed order , has the opportunity to challenge it but decides not to do so , one may ask rhetorically what possible objection of substance there can be to the existing practice .
7 Because that misidentification insisted on making trade unions the vehicle for it but insisted also on the continuance of their traditional role , the outcome was bound to be primarily about an extension of their power in the performance of that role , the role that implicates trade unionism as the reciprocal to the ownership of the means of production and provision within the total system , Capitalism , as it evolved in Victorian Britain .
8 ‘ It is now well-established that any application of the best evidence rule is confined to cases in which it can be shown that the party has the original and could produce it but does not . ’
9 But the serrated gratings must have sufficiently broken the crust of the brick-broken mutilated plastimetal that covers a great deal of the world that is an eyeball , and little light yellow-green stubs poked through , cos the Sun was still up there , way up there , even though someone had devised a new kind of force of matter transference and was attempting to move the Sun to his laboratory-country where it would be used to grow humlants — in which the old human brain was to be stretched in durable fibrosity and connected inextricably to root and flower , making rings of energy that took their partners for a whaltz or a flexitrot and multiplied their species by being fried on a plasetal plate whose temperature was so great that they never actually touched it but skimmed over , coming off the other side as a more-than-when-they-started .
10 But equally there is the option of differentiation , which is about setting oneself apart from the norm , not simply to criticize and condemn it but to set up an alternative and different model .
11 The circulation of air round a depression usually has ‘ fronts ’ or areas of rain associated with it , and when birds , which navigate by being able to see the night sky , meet with a barrier of rain and bad visibility then there is nothing for it but to drop down to the nearest land and wait until conditions improve .
12 Most of them did nothing about it but hurried on , some scowling , one , a child , making a face at the camera , holding up his hands as if they were big ears and waggling his fingers .
13 I was making heavy weather of it but dared not rest for the cold .
14 There was nothing for it but to try again .
15 So it is important not to drift into caring or be hustled into it but to think through personal motives tor taking it on .
16 It did sting me a bit the first time I used it but has n't since .
17 They had nothing for it but to crawl back to Mr Scully and to pay Mike Channon 's cancellation fee ( £353 ) out of their own pockets .
18 He liked the effects of it but did n't like having to smoke it .
19 ‘ Five of the grandchildren went to Euro Disney on a school trip and loved it but did n't have time to really do it justice .
20 But sometimes I felt she took over and I got annoyed about it but did n't like to say .
21 I left them to it but did n't have to wait long .
22 However what appeared to be a Bofors gun mounted on the fort on the breakwater , manned by three men , observed the aircraft and fired at it but did not obtain sufficient depression .
23 On 19 May a copy of AFHQ 's " Distone Order " of 17 May that all " dissident Yugoslavs " should be evacuated to Italy was submitted to Gen McCreery who saw it but did not date his initials or order any action .
24 She denied it but did not tell him she had seen him fighting with the pedlar or that the man had chased her and Oliver in Nice .
25 I wonder how many others would have liked to sign it but did not feel that they should .
26 Think about it but do n't guess .
27 The , councillor I am not passionate about getting rid of union representation , what I am passionate about is union members paying for their own representation , not me , not the people out there , if they want a full time union official let them pay for it but do n't expect other people to pick up the bill , it 's ludicrous er to er put that sort of money in our budget .
28 Yes if you 've got time do it but do n't , with all of , it do n't feel you 've got to do it , that it 's homework and I 'm going to get annoyed if you do n't do it .
29 And then the drawbridge was falling , with a clanking and a whirring of machinery and the light was pouring into the courtyard and the Gnomes were cheering and the giants were nodding to one another , and there was nothing for it but to ride away with Snodgrass , with Balor loping along at their side , with Fenella behind in the hands of the Gruagach .
30 Men who had been asleep and were woken up by the noise did not appear to resent it but sat up on one elbow and stared .
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