Example sentences of "it at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth describing it at such length so that readers who have not read Tolkien 's ‘ minor ’ works might develop some idea of Lewis 's importance as Tolkien 's ‘ onlie begetter ’ or ‘ miglior fabbro ’ , for there can be very little doubt that it was Lewis 's friendship and encouragement which led Tolkien to write the works which made his name with the public ; just as it was Tolkien 's friendship which released in Lewis wells of creativity which had remained ( though he was so naturally fluent ) mysteriously dry .
2 Lancashire men like women with a bit of fight in them , especially when they direct it at each other .
3 It could n't have been hit by a missile because we know there are no missile-carrying planes around — even if there were , a heat-seeking missile , the only type that could nail it at that altitude , would have gone for the engines , not the nose cone .
4 This is partly because eating foods you do n't like ( and avoiding those you do ) day after day is nigh-on impossible , and partly because your personal cholesterol level is as normal and natural for you as your shoe size , so your body has various feedback mechanisms to keep it at that level .
5 So I think actually it at that level , these sectors are really quite uniform .
6 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
7 It was but er the market was so low that he decided not to well I do n't think he could get a buyer actually , it 's just stood there so he he he let it out rather than have it stood there with the option for us to buy it but I say now the prices are lower he 's not keen on selling it at that price .
8 She does it at that desk and I 'll think she 's writing letters . ’
9 The gradient of a curve is the gradient of tangent , so we can draw a tangent where you wanted it at that place .
10 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
11 Eagle 's Nest Direct was the first Very Severe rock climb in the British Isles and a route so serious then that to contemplate leading it at that time of primitive rope technique meant you also contemplated death .
12 And because also that it was er partly the , the directors ' money that was being poured into it at that time , we knew all these things , and they were expecting a , a return back from it .
13 It probably sums up the case and we can discuss it and perhaps add to it at that time .
14 Tshisekedi , of the Democratic Union for Social Progress , had been offered the post in July but had refused it at that time [ see pp. 38323-24 ] .
15 And we were not too keen on it at that time but had been all right .
16 He obviously had never heard of the Order of Merit or I am quite sure he would have mentioned it at that time .
17 I had gone so far that to blow it at that point would have been a big disappointment for me , ’ he said .
18 There 's no mathematical way of defining it at that point .
19 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
20 Some bibles say that , that they 've come to this , at the end of the day , they had n't quite , had it at that point anyway , cos they 'd approached it cos they were still alive were n't they ?
21 I now turn to the adoption minutes of city hall and now it is a process of in that city hall did not endorse a recommendation from the finance panel , the budget that came from finance panel erm so we are in the slightly unusual position of having to debate the proposals of finance panel as we were recommended to do by city hall , erm that means as I understand it that er the chair of city hall will now present the annual budget statement erm and since he is going to do that in a form of an amendment er that seven other unusual features about the way in which we would normally do it which would mean that there would be er a budget statement and where there would then be the the formal proposals and amendments themself , erm so what I would propose is to try and make sure that everybody has , has maximum opportunity to have their say erm because no two amendments can be on the floor at one time er to take what the leader of the council said first of all erm then to allow the other two leaders to present their budget alternatives as it were , without it be , this is just not did n't take it at that point if they do n't want to .
22 I can not recall whether it was a Labour Government who set it at that figure .
23 This reinforced my interest in the subject , but as I soon became involved in postgraduate studies in busy medical , surgical and then paediatric units I had little time to pursue it at that stage .
24 At A level , I toyed with the idea of doing physics , maths and English , and if I was just doing it for pure enjoyment I would have done it at that stage .
25 Very little built on to it at that stage .
26 Because you know both parties were there to make sure that er there was going to be a mutual agreement or it may in some instances be referred back to domestic level for resolution , or alternately , the employers just said , no and that , that was the end of it at that stage .
27 I suspected about his thieving , but I could n't prove it at that stage .
28 Yeah , well okay then we 'll do it at that meeting and work it out then right ?
29 It does n't sound quite so good when you put it at that sort of level , cause it puts a school at risk , but of course there 's no reason why a county council should n't borrow considerably more than this council does , looked at on accounting principle , unless I 'm wrong , and Mr I 'm going to call in a minute , will correct me if I am .
30 As a critical or psychological judgement it is meaningless , since it is difficult to see how a conductor can reveal private soul-searching whilst recording the overture to Die Fledermaus or Beethoven 's Seventh Symphony , short , that is , of transposing each piece into the minor and playing it at half speed .
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