Example sentences of "it with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As he thought of this he grasped on to it with relief for it seemed to give him a reason to do nothing , though in his heart he knew it was fear , not duty , that prevented him from flying .
2 You might think , therefore , that feminists could dismiss it with relief as a non-issue .
3 Mrs Noah was the traditional peg-shape , as if that was the perfect , the only shape for a Mrs Noah and the maker had adopted it with relief after unsuccessfully trying out a hundred new variants of his own which had not done .
4 There was no easier way of embarrassing another Arab state than to charge it with betrayal of the Palestinian cause .
5 Since jade can not be flaked , like flint and obsidian , it could only be shaped by grinding it with sand on a piece of wood for weeks or months .
6 Willie walked over to the kettle and filled it with water from the pitcher .
7 She brought a bowl from the cupboard and filled it with water from the kettle , there were chores to be done before she could even begin to make a meal for the three of them .
8 Even more annoyed by that intrusive thought , Guy scowled furiously as Isabel rose and took a beaker from the table , filling it with water from the pail .
9 ‘ I suppose you 're right , ’ she sighed , then took the jar from the shelf and filled it with water before going out to pick snowdrops .
10 Jotan slid his borrowed sword out of its sheath , and he laid it with precision against the dwarfs throat .
11 I 'll wear it with love for ever ,
12 Within this tomb is laid the body of the Christian Emperor Charlemagne , who guided the kingdom of the Franks with distinction and ruled it with success for 47 years .
13 Also try mixing it with oatmeal for a really effective exfoliating scrub .
14 Historians would be likely to ‘ mine ’ this resource in different ways , examining it with change over time in mind and linking credit transaction data or travel information with say medical records or socio-economic groups .
15 Miss Harker looked at it with distaste as if it were a species of repellent insect wriggling on a pin , then took it carefully between her finger and thumb and held it up to the light of the candle .
16 Miss Menzies had filled it with petrol on the Friday afternoon and used it on the Monday morning .
17 The problem of transforming Darwin 's pangenetic theory to square it with cytology in general , and with Weismann 's theory in particular , was taken up most systematically by De Vries ; and later developments leading to the theory of the gene were to owe much to his solution : ‘ intracellular pangenesis ’ .
18 They studied the development of germ cells in the ovaries of many fetal and neonatal mules and hinnies and compared it with development in the parental stocks .
19 He too , dies the early death of romance — en poète , as the poet Burns put it with reference to his own fate — and his end is enveloped in the consequences of his supposing that he has lit upon some Chatterton manuscripts .
20 Because it 's certainly a statement made out of court because or he 's making it with reference to something else .
21 All her family , like they all just drink tea with a very little drop of milk in it , and she always drank it with a little drop of milk , and then , she decided not to drink it with milk at all .
22 We got used to having it with cream on the top , it was so thick .
23 It needs vision to foresee what the finished product will look like , but it also needs skill , to set the process in motion and maintain it with economy of effort .
24 Like subjects were grouped together ; thus Dewey 's scheme grouped together material on the electron and located it with material on other sub-atomic particles , which was grouped together with material on molecular and atomic physics in general , which was grouped together with other aspects of physics ; physics itself was in the science section of the scheme , together with other sciences .
25 But , as Mr Nearn points out , it is a driver 's car , and motoring journalists have heaped it with praise for many years , one even going so far as to say that your smile ‘ will need surgically removing ’ after driving one .
26 Again I did it with book in hand .
27 And most of it If you try and do it with sort of the squiggles on the paper .
28 If you must wear a jacket , cut the buttons off and fasten it with string through the button holes .
29 Distinctively tinted , the aromatics are so strong you could confuse it with cologne as it glugs out of the bottle ; there is almost a lavendery quality .
30 Jesus , it was awful , and the worst thing about it was , when we arrived the baby was still warm , so we tried to revive it with mouth to mouth .
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