Example sentences of "it that [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You mean , it 's a fire exit so that 's the problem so you 're not gon na be able to leave anything in it that would obstruct .
2 It therefore seemed logical to press a little of every suitable plant in her garden and later to create a design from it that would remind her for many years to come of her treasured garden .
3 So how would we find an outside correspondence for jealousy , a way of writing about it that would make it real for the reader , so real that it puts him/her in touch with his/her own jealousy ?
4 What kinda religion is it that would encourage the parent to shelter the child from any outside influences and punish it by putting it out in a world you never had any way of learning about ? ’
5 But the intention of practical English must be to ensure an understanding of what is read , not necessarily an appreciation of those aspects of it that would appeal especially to literary critics or literary historians .
6 Do n't heat up bottles of formula in the microwave — there might be hidden ‘ heat spots ’ in it that could burn your baby 's mouth .
7 When we are handling a horse , especially a young one , we need to be careful that we do n't do anything with it that could become a bad habit .
8 It 's how it 's used and what people do to get it that can offend our values .
9 er and in any , in any event there are a number of things I tend to miss altogether if I want to er keep to timetable which I and I , I 'm sure you 're , all the , the audience or group or whatever you like to call it that will welcome an extension of the talk .
10 So , go to a considerable amount of trouble to , first , find the point where your story has to begin , where the first absolutely necessary fact has to be put before the reader , then work equally hard to find a form of words to state it that will catch your reader as firmly as Ruth Rendell catches hers .
11 What we are essentially looking for in secondary education , then , whether practical or theoretical , is a curriculum and a method of pursuing it that will equip the student with transferable skills and transferable expertise .
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