Example sentences of "it have [been] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been Bill Heseltine more than anyone else who brought the royal family into the age of the photo-opportunity .
2 ‘ Some of it has been Sunday League stuff — and that is with due respect to anyone in the Sunday League .
3 The length of time it has been operation will determine how much money she gets back , but it is unlikely to have made much of a profit , because endowments are designed to make money over a long period of time .
4 It has been Jessie this , Jessie that , and Jessie the other .
5 Sometimes it has been persecution or suppression .
6 Since 1945 , when it was annexed from Germany by the Soviet Union , it has been Kaliningrad .
7 In recent years it has been Ian Rush who has been the scourge of Everton but this time he turned provider to send the Israeli international through a dumbfounded Everton defence .
8 Brokers believe it has been oversold .
9 But it has been Muslims , set upon by Croat and Serb militiamen alike , who have suffered most .
10 In recent years there have been a number of studies reporting the isolation of mycobacteria from patients with Crohn 's disease , but it has been reports of the isolation of M paratuberculosis , which have generated the greatest interest .
11 I have a wonderful coat ( so shiny that people think it has been boot polished ! ) .
12 ‘ Much of it has been guesswork up ‘ til now . ’
13 As far as local government is concerned the extent and direction of change to which it has been subject since the 1960s are difficult to explain mainly in terms of the state itself .
14 Time and again it has been cinema which has pushed forward the bounds of public acceptability of controversial images and ideas , to be followed by television rather slowly .
15 Torture chamber for the first time , it has been purpose built at a cost of £300,000 .
16 Although in itself durable , polythene sheet could hardly be regarded as pleasing in the long term , except where it has been colour printed on commercial kites .
17 A spokesman said : ‘ It has been mayhem and our main sale has n't even begun yet . ’
18 Given our general theme , that it has been attitudes which determine methods , it is perhaps not surprising for the reader to discover that the amount of research on the effects of the systems of signing is very small indeed .
19 Holmes can be viewed as the grandfather of the American legal realist movement ; his statement that ‘ the life of the law has not been logic : it has been experience ’ has , for example , become one of the most celebrated legal aphorisms of recent times .
20 Over the past ten years it has been government policy to encourage this ( DHSS , 1976a ) .
21 Of the domestic borrowers , local authorities issued , in the years between the mid-1950s and the early 1980s , a large volume of stocks ( over five years to maturity ) and negotiable bonds ( from one to four years to maturity ) ; but in recent years it has been government policy to centralise most public-sector borrowing and as a result public issues by local authorities have all but ceased .
22 Since 1965 it has been part of Darwin College .
23 IT has been part of the creation of so called post modernism , through its ability to destroy the meaning of time and space .
24 It has been Ivy week , ’ wrote Elizabeth .
25 It has been generalist rather than specific , its programme being based upon each child 's interests and abilities ( rather than upon an external authority 's projection of what they ought to be ) .
26 The letter from Mr. Roper in the March issue of the Record claims that in many authorities it has been staff themselves who have initiated the blacking of News International newspapers .
27 Those who forget the virtues of solidarity in order to protest against the downgrading of individual agency might recall that it has been intellectuals who have been most prone to inflate the significance of individuals — particularly intellectuals — to the same degree that their theories propose universal categories and claim universal effects .
28 ( One may however ask after the nature of men in so far as it has been men rather than women who have created these pictures of the world and of the ‘ place ’ of woman within it such that they should have needed to construct such a misogynist picture . )
29 Playing for your province does n't count , but it has been practice that if a player is banned at club level , he is n't considered for selection at that time .
30 Generally speaking , it has been assimilation rather than accommodation which has characterized interpretation in the domain of language pedagogy over recent years .
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