Example sentences of "it have [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , it , perhaps part of it has been that a lot of the job creation mentioned has actually been of female and part-time work , and a lot of the er , new businesses in erm , Telford actually employ a lot of women in , in those areas .
2 Sixty seven of the pleadings bundle which are the further and better particulars this year and you can see that er looking back to page sixty six , what the plaintiffs have been asked to state was to give particulars of the change in financial position which had been outlined to Mr on the telephone and er your Lordship will see first of all that in answer eighty little A , there is a reference to er a letter of the twenty seventh of February nineteen ninety two which was a letter from the plaintiff 's solicitors to the defendant 's solicitors which , this is been incorporating in the front or ought to be in the bible , erm I do n't think it has been but there are copies if I can hand your Lordship it was missed out in error I am sorry .
3 Five former chairmen of the Arts Council , Lord Cottesloe ( 1960–65 ) , Lord Goodman ( 1965–72 ) , Lord Gibson ( 1972–77 ) , Sir Kenneth Robinson ( 1977–82 ) and Lord Rees–Mogg ( 1982–89 ) also wrote to The Times : ‘ It has been and remains the cardinal principle of the Arts Council since its formation , that the arts should be immunised from political control ’ .
4 If this is how her work is to be read , then we are of course back with all the problems of the kairos approach : why has history been what it has been and given what history has been what may be said of God 's intention in relation to women ?
5 And as soon as we begin to enquire into the meaning of the term , we discover that it has been and still is understood in a variety of different ways , which may have a common core or root but are not identical .
6 Everything is as it has been and will be . ’
7 The very demarcation between those types of cases where it has been and where it has not been utilised is , in itself , informative .
8 I believe that Wales is much better placed to ride out the worldwide recession than it has been and I can give the hon. Gentleman this pledge : I and my ministerial colleagues will continue to do everything that we can to attract investment to Wales .
9 It has been and still is argued by many market practitioners that dividends do have an effect on market prices because of their information content .
10 Without records management skills and principles it has been and could continue to be the former .
11 I 'm doubly glad therefore to , to welcome their appearance and I know how difficult it has been and would like to praise all concerned for the intense nature of the negotiations which , which have gone on .
12 Economists are not agreed ( nor are politicians for that matter ) on how effective it has been or can be , or on what form it should take .
13 If there is no qualifying interest in possession s48(4) ( b ) states that if it can be shown that all known persons for whose benefit the settled property or income from it has been or might be applied or who are or might become beneficially entitled to an interest in possession are persons neither domiciled nor ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom the gilt relief will be applicable .
14 Could it have been that the upholders contested the undertakers ' application to join their guild , on the pretext that the furnishing of funerals was the prerogative of their members ?
15 How minor would it have been if the poor man had died ?
16 What use would it have been if I had gone into the lounge without something like that ?
17 And it had been while McGrath had been features editor that Peace News had carried the spread extolling Ginsberg 's London readings , and the big page feature on the Albert Hall gathering .
18 Robbie sat up , wide awake , but the dream was as vivid in her memory as it had been while she was experiencing it .
19 He had been there since lunchtime , and it had been while she 'd watched him that she had come to the decision that she must go .
20 Tuscany at the beginning of his reign was still what it had been since the formation of the Grand Duchy in the sixteenth century , a personal union of a number of medieval city-states of which the most important were Florence and Siena .
21 Naturally , the fragrant smell of wine reminded Cranston of how long it had been since he had refreshed himself so he ordered a large jug and the deepest goblet to be found in the kitchen .
22 For Dr Neil the feel of her , so soft , the scent of her hair , and of McAllister herself , was so wild and sweet and struck him with such force that his breathing grew a little ragged and his body reminded him of how long it had been since he had satisfied it .
23 In short , said the doomsayers , the Middle East would be much worse off than it had been before the American-led coalition drove Iraq 's army out of Kuwait .
24 That is to say , scholars have assumed that around 1550 the English language became much more convergent than it had been before even though there can be no direct evidence that spoken English did become more convergent .
25 He would go to sleep and I would lie there with tears running down my face thinking how good it had been before the baby came .
26 It was better this way ; somehow she would manage to see Dana before Roman did , and then she would leave and take up her life as it had been before she had met Roman almost a week ago .
27 It was strange , she thought , that her physical response to shock should be the same now as it had been after Hugo was killed , so that to her present grief was added a grief for him as keen , as new as when she had first heard that he was dead .
28 He also did what any American college president is expected to do — he raised money , leaving the college on a sounder footing , both financially and academically , than it had been when he took office .
29 Increasingly referred to by its citizens as ‘ the Zone ’ , as it had been when it was merely the Soviet occupation zone , it has achieved no genuine separate identity or legitimacy .
30 The scene that greeted her at the top was already less frightening than it had been when Phoebe arrived .
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