Example sentences of "it be that [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 Could it be that there was then more racism in the art world , and that Black artists were being squeezed out at just the time when young working-class artists from the British provinces were finding unprecedented and immediate public fortune ?
2 On one he inscribed Michelet 's words : ‘ How can it be that there is in the world one woman alone — deserted ? ’
3 Could it be that there is a nip in the air ?
4 Could it be that there are many doctors not working because even in general practice part time opportunities are sparse ?
5 So how can it be that there are such enormous variations between different parts of Kent ?
6 It is that there is an obligation to go to Catholic school …
7 It is that there is no community to appeal to ; for the phenomenon itself is the evidence that there is more than one community , or a divided community .
8 It is not that she does not know what to say , it is that there is not enough time to say all she knows .
9 Her theory is that the more that control is personalised , the more likely it is that there will be friction between management and the workforce , but that continuous-process plants , because they are so highly automated , have unified impersonal control systems which minimise conflict and lead to more satisfying working conditions .
10 The second strong PR option would be to take the opposite line , to say how outrageous it is that there is all this terrible auditing going on , and to promise painful retribution for the wrongdoers .
11 That may be a ‘ price worth paying ’ to relieve recession , but if economics tells us anything it is that there is no such thing as a free lunch .
12 If there is any criticism of this super volume it is that there are not enough explanatory captions .
13 It is that there is more spoken dialogue .
14 The way I would see it is that there is a need for a broad consensus between government , IDB , LEDU , DED and all the various government agencies and community groups , economists and experts and the people on the ground themselves , because I do n't think the government has it within their power to solve the problem and I do n't think experts have it within their power to solve the problem .
15 Sometimes I look at my father and I wonder what 's going on in his mind , why it is that there 's so much hatred , so much poison inside him .
16 The larger the employer , the less likely it is that there will be an unfair dismissal claim .
17 Why d why do you think why do you think it is that there was n't that motivation ?
18 It is that there are no unambiguous criteria with which to judge the contribution that different administrative activities make to some final goal or set of values .
19 Rather , it is that there exist people willing to pay prices lower than Pm , but which are in excess of the marginal costs of providing additional units .
20 However , if there is anything clear in the muddied waters of postmodernism , it is that there is no such thing as " raw " data .
21 Mr Goldring added : ‘ What is really significant in this case is not what happened to each child individually , it is that there were so many collapses . ’
22 And the bit about it is that there may well be other small organisations that might , erm be better , erm I mean , have , might benefit people more in Oxford city , or in Oxfordshire , are n't getting in because
23 ( If the film had a serious weakness , it was that there was too much Naughty Little Sister stuff for Lilian in supermarkets and car parks . )
24 ‘ I was very impressed with the way he played , but then I realised how daunting it was that there were 20 or 30 guys on the Tour playing better than him , ’ he says .
25 Opening his own door , he thought how great , how truly fantastic it was that there should be something into which they need not yet rush .
26 The situation as we saw it was that there were no obvious leading firms er there were firms that had a particularly they were leaders in a particular niche markets for example 's being very aggressive , they were certainly nationally leading on insolvency and they were getting a lot of a lot of beneficial er publicity from that , locally we saw them er as erm th they were very good in the tax field and certainly in the consultancy field , having one of their major consultancy based in by the airport .
27 But in due course er when I was still off with flu , erm back to the specialist another test , you know , and that was er March , April of last year and the result of it was that there is something in there which is characteristic of what 's , what we call multiple sclerosis which seems to me is about as broad as it 's long , you know , it 's , it 's a very large
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