Example sentences of "it be use [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Longstaff said : ‘ Our study will enable us to find out more about the causes of asthma , suggest ways of preventing it , and make sure the resources to treat it are used to best effect . ’
2 They 'll also require details of how you 'll be using your new kitchen : ie , will it be used for entertaining , storage purposes , or doing homework , in addition to more usual activities ?
3 Well why would it be used in circumstances when it was not needed otherwise ?
4 Only if the British courts were to adopt a doctrine of incorporation of treaties comparable to that sometimes asserted for customary international law533 could it be used by individuals to provide legal restraints on future legislative or treaty action .
5 Would it be used against Israel ?
6 Answer guide : An opportunity cost is defined as the maximum benefit which could be obtained from a resource if it were used for some alternative purpose than the opportunity under consideration .
7 ‘ Is your firm the owner of motor vehicle … ? ’ and ‘ Was it being used on firm 's business at … ( time ) … in … ( place ) … ? ’ , need affirmative answers .
8 If land is not suitable for efficient farming , we can ill afford it being used for inefficient agriculture .
9 This is a very handy aspect of the program , since it brings in the prospect of it being used for other purposes .
10 We had a cheese press at Low Birk Hatt but I never recall it being used by our family .
11 Where the technique was first practised is unknown , although it is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin , although there are accounts of it being used in India around 550 BC .
12 At present for instance , we have a cichlid growing-on and breeding ( we hope ) project in our cleanest largest and best tank ; we have a misbehaving Picasso Trigger on its own in a marine tank ( he was a bully in his owner 's community ) ; we have a ‘ planted ’ tank ( planted in the sense that it 's used as a holding tank for plants ) housing four swordtails , temporarily ; and three tanks devoid of occupants and in one case water .
13 It 's used as a landing strip for emergencies only by the Luftwaffe .
14 Levels of nitrates in tap water had been rising slowly over the past decade , most of it leaching into groundwater from farmers fields , where it 's used as a fertilizer .
15 The A2 's stereo outputs feature a level attenuator to match the unit to whatever application ( mixer , combo , power amp etc. ) it 's used for .
16 And whether it 's used for holding a special Christmas arrangement , potpourri , a bowl of fruit or just as handy side table for your guests to put their drinks on , this occasional table will prove indispensable all year round .
17 It 's no good my saying I know it 's used for the right purpose .
18 It 's a long time before cloth wholly decays — look how long a bag of cement lasts under water when it 's used for emergency repairs to a sea-wall .
19 The living room has to house some or all of these things and if it 's used for eating has to come up with storage for china , glass and cutlery too .
20 The Ministry of Defence says : ’ Bomb disposal experts clear former military land for building but not if it 's used for agriculture .
21 It 's used by heart surgeon Stephen Westerby at the John Radcliffe .
22 She says closing the college would be a terrible blow — it 's used by thousands of people .
23 The most recent development is the growing use of solar control and low-emissivity glass , which helps to retain heat in the winter and to prevent unnecessary solar gain in summer , often giving the equivalent effect of triple glazing when it 's used in conjunction with double glazing .
24 Butyl has a substantially longer life expectancy than pvc — it 's used in the construction of reservoirs — but it can still be damaged by piercing .
25 Working on the same principle as a jigsaw , but with the reciprocating blade in line with the saw body , it 's used in the same position as a hand saw , but held with both hands .
26 In 1991-92 , the TDC had a budget allocation of £51 million , which it is using to great effect .
27 Thus when the chimpanzee , supplied in the laboratory with two boxes and a stick to reach a suspended bunch of bananas , stops leaping up and trying the reach them with its hands and instead puts one box on top of the other , climbs up and dislodges the bananas with the stick , it is using to the full its basic ability to suppress the automatic response — leaping up — in favour of the intelligent one — climbing up and reaching with the stick .
28 I especially draw the attention of the House to positive relationships that the board has established with 102 training and enterprise councils and local enterprise companies for the provision of training for about 20,000 young people on its youth training schemes and to the £6.5 million that it is using from its reserves this year to maintain the momentum of training in the industry .
29 Dutch water , gas and electricity distributor , Energie Delfland NV , Delft , has signed for UK , Cambridge-based Smallworld Systems Ltd 's geographical information system which it is to use for its Atlas project management and distribution system running on Sun Microsystems Inc workstations .
30 ‘ For the purposes of this Article an article or substance is not to be regarded as properly used where it is used without regard to any relevant information or advice relating to its use which has been made available by a person by whom it was designed , manufactured , imported or supplied . ’
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