Example sentences of "it be [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 Carl said he , he looked er well er , his face did , it were very he 's got a very poxy skin .
2 One wrote that and then said , ‘ It 's not that I 've got anything against my husband , it 's just he 's pig ignorant . ’ ’
3 He 's very conscientious , it 's just he does n't have much of a bedside manner .
4 very clear , you 've got two officers with shotguns , do you mean that it 's just he gave his shotgun to him and vice versa or you nominated two different shotguns ?
5 Presumably yeah , I , er , ah , well you heard what I said it will be nice , he said yeah , so , after work I suppose , well before there I 'll go down , he 'll help himself , it 's just he ca n't take any more
6 No , no it 's just he 's having an operation .
7 Mm yeah there , there is a need to exceed proper limits , he says , that proper limits have to be exceeded in order to right a wrong er it 's also he says necessary to create terror for a while .
8 It 's here he spent much of his childhood , learning the secrets of the wood , which appear in his latest book .
9 It 's somewhere he can do what he likes .
10 it 's like he 's got to just keep that little
11 And , he 's put this in his type of thing and it 's like he 's got his arm stretched out right to his mouth and he 's got a cigarette in his in his hand and it 's that like .
12 No it 's now he was severely depressed .
13 Well if he knows it 's there he can still imagine it but he ca you can know that
14 It is , it is never he does n't , not actively curious .
15 The tragedy of it is though he 's paying for it now with his kidney problems .
16 Mr Barnet — it was clearly he — continued to look at her , and while he did so she could not look away .
17 He went to school in Attleborough and it was here he developed what he considered a ‘ natural advantage ’ in sport .
18 It was here he started making frames for re-building the Manx Norton motorbike .
19 It was also he who scribbled down the title ‘ Deeply Dippy ’ one evening when he heard the phrase used in a Fry and Laurie exchange on Jeeves And Wooster .
20 It was also he who told me of the Great Ones , ’ he went on with a faraway look , ‘ and how they had chosen us to be saved to do this . ’
21 While the new president , Algirdas Brazauskas , was leader of the Baltic state 's Communist party , it was also he who led the split with the central authorities in Moscow in 1989 and supported the country 's moves to independence .
22 He trained on until dark , when it was just he , Isay and the three Myrcan instructors who were left on the practice field .
23 I well I er i it was just he he sounded like a ponce to me .
24 If families like this one were on the wrong side in the Civil War , their property was sequestered by Parliament , but it appears that John Long petitioned to have it restored as his inheritance in 1650 , and it was probably he who built the present house .
25 It was probably he , not a namesake , who was a follower of John Giffard [ q.v. ] in the civil wars of the late 1260s , and who was rewarded for his loyalty to the Crown with a grant of land in Northamptonshire .
26 It was probably he who crowned Harold Godwinsson on 6 January 1066 , and he wished Edgar Atheling [ q.v. ] to succeed after Harold 's death at Hastings .
27 In view of the technical advance implied it is thought that it was probably he who was the ‘ Mr Showers ’ who was complimented in 1692 for having played in hitherto impossible keys and ‘ with all the softness imaginable ’ ; but at that date the reference might conceivably be to his father or , less probably , his kinsman William .
28 It was then he was stabbed .
29 He could hardly believe his eyes and it was then he knew that he was unable to rely on his sensory feelings ( the kinaesthetic sense ) .
30 He was staring out of the carriage window , seeing nothing of the countryside because the image of Sarah with Corrie Palmer in her arms was superimposed on everything he looked at , and it was then he remembered something important .
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