Example sentences of "it be [adj] we " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's only mud , and when it 's dry we 'll be able to brush it off easily , ’ she said .
2 It 's strange we should see one this evening . ’
3 God it 's possible we had one .
4 But when I think it would have been just eight years from completion now , up to a height of about 400 feet , I think it 's sad we did n't get permission to build it .
5 It 's odd we should be talking like this , ’ he said at last .
6 I have to ask myself it it 's right we should keep a wall between us and pay two rents .
7 Erm , if we are asking Mr to look at the long-term viability and the ways of preserving that , those options may be other than option one which was what you moved , and I think it 's rather premature to actually go down a road that says we preserve it in it 's present form with some disposals , when , we are asking for a report for it 's future viability , which may mean complete disposal , or may not , and I think , that , that 's why I 've seconded Mr 's amendment , because it 's right we should wait for that that report to come to property , know the full facts , and then we can make a decision as to which option we want for the County Farms estate .
8 It 's essential we can move the monitoring team around the site quickly and that they can interpret their findings immediately .
9 Yeah , it 's amazing we 're all thinking about the U K are n't we ?
10 and that 's that 's the only way it 's amazing we ever get any sort of
11 my Lord I do n't think there 's much point in going through that , we do n't believe it 's relevant we believe
12 ‘ That 's why it 's necessary we weed out the undesirables now . ’
13 It 's good we 're in a strong , modern ship . ’
14 It 's good we won .
15 It 's inconceivable we could go further down the road without job losses . ’
16 erm Peter wants to tighten up on on on the business of erm carrying holidays over and I think he 's right , actually , erm and he also is using this opportunity to try to et us to plan our holidays as a group so that we 're not all off at the same time , or if it 's appropriate we should all be off a the same time then we 're off at the same time , but it 's erm common sense should prevail one way or another , but it would be a good idea if you could let me have erm a brief indication of any major times you plan to be away .
17 It 's like we 're sort of living here together — you know , sort of like we 're married or summat and living in a proper house of our own and all that .
18 ‘ Bob and Carol are among my friends whom I had very familial feelings for ; it 's like we grew up together , said Nicholson .
19 It 's like we 're all idiots . ’
20 It 's like we 're preparing for Armageddon . ’
21 I think we ought to bite the bullet and write to them now and say if you do n't pay us a cheque for this amount cos it 's qualifying we 'll collect on next date .
22 ‘ We have every reason to believe he 's a member of the IRB Supreme Council , therefore it 's vital we know who are the people he contacts .
23 It 's vital we start protecting open space so that the town 's sporting talent can thrive . ’
24 So it 's imperative we get you away from here .
25 It 's imperative we find him . ’
26 He says : ‘ It 's imperative we keep the confidence in our own ability to score goals , because then some of the bad luck we feel we 've been having will start to change .
27 It 's likely we will ban the contractor for three months from , at least three months , from doing the work
28 It would have gone on to say , , that cases of food poisoning had risen by fifty percent , and then Mr Chadwick saying , ‘ It 's likely we 're receiving more notifications . ’
29 From the moment his attractive colleague Paula shins up a fir tree on page two with her .32 Browning automatic , it 's clear we 're in for a ‘ when the going gets tough , the tough get going ’ sort of book .
30 It 's clear we 're going to have to discuss this at some length .
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