Example sentences of "it be [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 Do you suppose I run a rooming house , or can it be you are not so innocent as you appear ?
2 It 's you are my heir , not him .
3 ‘ But it 's you are the crafty one , Marion Aluinn !
4 INVESTORS , traders , bankers and managers often operate with only a partial model in mind about why they are doing whatever it is they are doing , and what principles lie behind it .
5 At the time of the cash call the group promised shareholders unchanged dividends totalling 6p for the year , and that is what it is they are getting , the final of 3¾p payable on July 1 .
6 If you put that depth of knowledge with the normal Wedding Present , you can see the talent , musicianship and understanding of what it is they are doing , ’ he says .
7 Try and understand what it is they are looking for .
8 Gradually , each successive shot brings us closer to the action and eventually to the actions of individuals , allowing us to see their expressions and hear whatever it is they are saying to each other .
9 Operators who have their tachograph charts analysed by an outside agency need to be careful about exactly what it is they are buying and whether it meets their requirements in protecting them from breaches of the law by their employees and agents .
10 At the end of this stage the parents should be clear on exactly what it is they are being advised to do .
11 Most believers , it is likely , find it difficult much of the time even to remember what it is they are supposed to believe .
12 Towards the end of each session when clients are setting themselves homework tasks , make a point of writing down on a piece of paper , in specific terms , what it is they are supposed to do .
13 If I 'd had control over everything I would have had a full Wales tour in the summer and then we would n't have needed to have the practice games , but as it is we are giving them the advantage and I wanted to try to do something about that . ’
14 First we need a proper idea of what it is we are seeking to explain .
15 Whatever it is we are doing , we are already doing it , and it seems to make sense .
16 We still do n't know what it is we are up against , do we ? ’
17 Whatever the heady consequences of that ( and they have classically been found contradictory ) , Sloman 's explication does not tackle the question of why it is we are conscious of certain things at some times but not at others .
18 Understand what it is we are trying to achieve by cutting off a lot of top growth , and the where , when and how of it lose much of the mystery .
19 For a start , nobody is quite sure what is English , or whatever language it is we are trying to learn .
20 the identity of the client : defining the client relationship and the involvement of other parties ; we must clearly establish whom it is we are advising and who is to meet our fees .
21 I apologise for the length of this letter but I do believe that it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what it is we are to do .
22 The reason for that is that it is we are operating in a in an environment of planning policy restraint .
23 One has to try and explain what it is we are about and why we 're doing it and , if necessary , perhaps point out a few distinctions that may exist , for instance , between the professional and the amateur scene , not that I like using those words because I think they 're fraught with all sort of potential misunderstandings .
24 But , alas , madam , I do not in the present know what it is you are asking if I am seeing . ’
25 Before you can make , you have to know what it is you are making .
26 you can not assess performance unless you are clear about what it is you are trying to do .
27 Finish by recapping exactly what it is you are going to do as a result of the telephone conversation .
28 Always ask yourself ‘ Do they say what it is you are trying to make clear to the student ? ’
29 If you stop trying to become whatever it is you are trying to become and instead have the feeling that you are what you are , and this is the moment — your struggle stops .
30 In order to study effectively you need to start by being certain what it is you are studying , and what it is you want to learn .
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