Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The parent star is a red giant nearing the end of its life , and as it runs the gamut of fusion reactions , exhausting one element after another , the spectrum of particles it emits becomes exotic .
2 It involves using strict criteria for admission , such as failure in a nursing home or extreme restlessness and aggression .
3 A nice piece of work ; but bear in mind that a much more ambitious measurement , which would have taken the biggest chunk of the Hubble 's observing time , is completely beyond the telescope 's present capacity , because it involves seeing faint variable stars in far-off galaxies .
4 It involves identifying certain key individuals in a population , interviewing them , and then asking them to suggest others who might also be interviewed .
5 In the context of ancient sites , it involves becoming aware of the special nature of the place and taking some action , however small , in recognition of this .
6 It involves applying full opposite rudder and then , with the ailerons central , moving the stick steadily or progressively forwards until the spin stops .
7 The application of microelectronics to regulate the use of energy is , likewise , being depicted by this country 's government as a manifestation of progress since it involves harnessing advanced technology to promote efficient consumption .
8 Computer Horizons Corp 's largest shareholder , CGI Informatique SA , itself under agreed offer from IBM Corp , is seeking to persuade other shareholders to overturn corporate policies that it thinks deter potential acquisition offers for the Mountain Lakes , New Jersey company .
9 Whilst the timetable may need to be flexed throughout the transaction , it needs to include regular meetings to coordinate the input from the various parties .
10 In order to give the House of Lords a more effective role in the governmental process ( and in order to buttress its position against the threat of abolition ) there is the recognition that it needs to secure increased public support , and in order to secure that there has been the dawning realisation that changes are needed in the composition of the second chamber .
11 It gives local government in Wales the money it needs to provide high quality services and to get on with the job .
12 However , it may be that management has its own objective , or is forced into one by its shareholders , so that the state may find it needs to impose additional constraints to mould that objective to its own desires .
13 If nursing is to gain the professional status it is striving for , it needs to attract motivated and able students .
14 USL says it ‘ would be happy to help Sun do that , ’ but SunSoft , which also has a seat on USL 's board , is currently lobbying hard to get its own views adopted by UI , and to do that it needs to get other members on its side .
15 As well as being truly Scottish it needs to have strong international links .
16 The river needs to be deep enough for the otters to swim and catch fish , the dog otter eating two or three pounds of fish every day , it needs to have thick covering of vegetation along the banks and above all , the water must be clean , fresh and not polluted in any way .
17 Yet it needs to make good the outdated complex , which is not even geared to withstanding bad weather .
18 What can be done to harness this interest and give the public the scientific background it needs to make informed decisions on subjects like acid rain , the greenhouse effect , nuclear weapons , and genetic engineering ?
19 Will he bear it in mind that the law as it stands does great injustice and that many women are suffering life sentences that they should not be suffering ?
20 It can prove that it has secured additional revenue sources , while protecting our screens from unwelcome foreign imports .
21 It has built empty factories which it lets out free of rent for up to five years .
22 The latter has become a form of economic drip-feed of dubious value to the patient , although it has maintained economic activity at a higher level than would otherwise be the case .
23 Its success can be measured by how it has moved Labour to the right of the Heath Tory government .
24 One might imagine , for instance , that it has turned equitable estates and rights into legal estates and rights .
25 It has obliged local authorities to sell off council houses and has reduced the importance given to municipal housing .
26 For Geostationary , it has contracted General Electric Co Inc 's GE Astro unit with Matra-Marconi Espace SA ; Hughes Space & Communications Inc with British Aerospace Plc and NEC Corp ; for intermediate circular , the contracts go to Matra-Marconi and GE Astro again , this time with TRW Corp .
27 In that connection , it has employed independent consultants to assess the NRA 's work , but there has been no independent assessment of this scheme .
28 When it has grown strong and healthy , you can display it in various ways .
29 There can be no doubt that if Britain wants to look forward to a level of economic health even approaching that to which it has grown accustomed over the past 50 years , it must back Alvey 's proposals .
30 It has grown quiet .
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