Example sentences of "it [was/were] still [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 An hour later he dialled the number , but it was still engaged .
2 He put the directory back and tried the agency again , but it was still engaged .
3 The agreement for their sale to Cohens was dated 12 October 1935 , and must have been signed while it was still hoped that the line would open right through from Sutton to the Crystal Palace in one operation .
4 It was still believed , or at any rate hoped , that the refugees would in due course come to terms with their situation and accept resettlement .
5 At that time it was still believed that Mercury did keep the same face to the Sun , and therefore this temperature was used to support the idea that Mercury had an atmosphere , because such an atmosphere would transport heat around from the Sun-facing side , thus raising the night-side temperature .
6 Before the Second World War it was still decreed by the Women 's Cricket Association that women cricketers should wear white stockings — a rule which it has to be said was not always adhered to by the players .
7 ‘ He said it was still connected . ’
8 The Foreign Office said it was still determined Libya should hand over two of its countrymen wanted for the attack .
9 It was still opposed by Danish environmentalists , who claimed that it would affect the salinity of the Baltic Sea by partially blocking the Öresund , as well as bringing greater pollution to the Copenhagen area through increased traffic flows , but supporters of the project said that it would bring new economic activity to the area .
10 The shape seemed too big for the seat ; hunched , gnarled and blackened , it was still shrouded in hissing steam , but despite its swollen size the shape of a man or woman for all that .
11 During the first part of the 20th century , because of its proximity to Nailsworth Station , it became known as Station Mill , although it was still referred to locally by its old name .
12 He 'd rehearsed that as he walked from the station , but it was still blurted .
13 Although it was amongst the women 's glossies as promised , it was still tucked away in a corner with only its spine showing .
14 It was still flooded yesterday .
15 Shortly before the end of the term and while it was still requisitioned it was destroyed by fire .
16 Indeed it was still argued that determined efforts should be made towards monetary union so that eventually a common currency could be issued by a European central bank .
17 He regretted that many major Scottish companies shifted their headquarters to London , and took quiet pride that Scottish & Newcastle attracted high-flying executives from England — and that it was still run from an office almost in the shadow of Holyroodhouse .
18 Although the story of Croton 's lost Helen admitted that no single girl of the southern peninsula in those days was entirely beautiful enough , it was still recalled by the attending spectators at the Sunday promenade , by the old men and women no longer in the marriage stakes , by the servants whom custom forbade from parading — as if the cost of new or spruced-up clothes did not make it impossible for them to take part anyway .
19 He had to do it now , while it was still illuminated .
20 The organisation said it was ‘ astonishing ’ that it was still regarded as a slur for a person to be described as gay , and delivered a letter to Mr Donovan calling for his support in their campaign for the ‘ enactment of legislation for lesbian and gay equality ’ .
21 That Christmas we spent in Wales working in the melin by day but sleeping in the cottage , as it was still furnished .
22 In all the major states of Europe it was still made not even by the government as a whole but by a small group within it — the chief minister and foreign minister , supplemented according to circumstances and personalities by those for war , colonies or other concerned departments — with the support or at least the acquiescence of the monarch .
23 However , it was still felt that a comparison between action and control samples might be interesting , merely to see whether there was any clear difference between the two samples over the six month period .
24 There was the hope that entry into the European Community would offer the solution of a magic external escape route , and the drive for institutional efficiency embraced the pretence that the old system could be made to work " better " whilst it was still left pretty much intact .
25 It was still taken as self-evident in even the most up-to-date fiction that being in love normally had only one outcome , marriage .
26 It was still tagged with notes saying it had been found round Stephen 's neck . ’
27 It was still dominated by the long nose and wide mouth , also by eyes of an intense pale blue , which always seemed to focus sharply and penetratingly on whoever he was talking to .
28 And though the place was leavened by servicemen on short courses and all the liveliness of that well-reported wartime gaiety , it was still dominated by public-school men with backgrounds of privilege and wealth quite foreign to Burton and smacking too sharply of the oppressor , with accents of command and futures of rule .
29 It was still implied that , without him , there was a danger that the political disorder of the past might return , but the emphasis would , henceforth , be much more on what people stood to lose in material terms if the system which provided those benefits were substantially changed .
30 He was not a lady 's man in the accepted sense , rather he championed and encouraged single women to travel at a time when it was still considered bad form for a respectable young lady to take a shopping trip to London unchaperoned , let alone visit the Continent .
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