Example sentences of "it [vb mod] never [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So for its first half-century , after Weisthenes , the Athenian Council was an unpaid elected body , something which gave it an elite character which it may never wholly have lost .
2 It is n't a subject that most people like to dwell on ; it may never even have occurred to you .
3 It is n't a subject that most people like to dwell on ; it may never even have occurred to you .
4 Provided that you keep a suitable emergency reserve in a cash contingency fund to meet unforeseen eventualities , it should never then be necessary to sell on a down-swing .
5 The issue , as far as I can see , and I was told , when I was growing it up in school , about the holocaust and that we must ensure that everybody remembers about the holocaust in Germany , and that it should never ever be allowed to happen again .
6 That I know we 're flogging a dead horse , but that half past ten , a phenomenal amount of time , it should never ever have taken a fraction of that if it had been done properly .
7 It might take months , it might take years , it might never even be possible .
8 On its own terms , his argument is virtually irrefutable : since grandeur was not a definable objective so much as a means of keeping the flame of national ambition alight , it could never really fail .
9 J.B. Priestley once said that it could never quite make up its mind whether it was a port or a resort , but that very ambivalence had saved it from the worst pitfalls of both .
10 In the last ten years , the art market has dealt in sums it would never previously have dreamed of .
11 The Allies ' aim in 1918 had been to leave Germany shorn of its military and industrial power , to make sure that it would never again be capable of waging war or threatening the established pattern of Atlantic trade and European industry .
12 In a purely military sense the Spanish Civil War may have ended on 1 April 1939 , but for its victor , Francisco Franco , it would never truly end .
13 I decided to draw up a proposal for a book which would attempt a synthesis of structuralist and feminist ideas — not with any enthusiasm , and with the hope that it would never actually get done .
14 Like the checks in Hofmann 's pianos , it will dissipate some of the energy of the returning hammer but it will never completely exclude the possibility of the hammer bouncing .
15 Mr McRoberts , instead of criticising Mr Ridley , would do well to reflect on the House of Commons Energy Committee 's judgment on nuclear power : ‘ It will never again be possible to take assurances as to the viability of any type of nuclear power on trust . ’
16 Art should identify and condemn injustice and evil , but it can never properly be used to humiliate those , living or dead , who are among the best of our species .
17 Or , perhaps , it can never really be tested at all .
18 But oh , it 's it 's , it can never ever be God 's fault because he always , always deals with us in love .
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