Example sentences of "it [vb mod] well have " in BNC.

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1 Whilst I stand to be corrected , it may well have been this greasy property which made the finish dry out with a khaki tone .
2 It may well have contributed to the 1989 decision to introduce a policy of ‘ Power to the Routes ’ for the current decade .
3 It may well have been rooted in a repressed homosexuality according to the psychoanalytic model .
4 One should be aware that it may well have played an equally significant role in saving the Conservative Party from disintegration .
5 Mrs Thatcher was apparently informed of the French decision during the Strasbourg session on monetary union last weekend and it may well have encouraged her to believe that Britain 's European partners are now ready to take the difficult decisions which are a prelude to monetary union .
6 And so on to the shop — ‘ hey … they 're selling stuff here ! ’ — and the cafe , the Casablanca Club , where a second voice murmurs , as it may well have done in arts centre days but certainly wo n't when the family visitor attraction becomes reality , ‘ a cup of coffee ? … pastry ? … hashish ? ’
7 From the outset , as in 1854 , it may well have been that Napoleon hoped to coerce Austria into negotiating a settlement by underlining her isolation in Europe , and thus avoiding an armed conflict .
8 It may well have influenced the Spanish style in the United States and reflected the role of American imperialism in assimilating a Spanish cultural heritage .
9 But this morning , I must say , I found it quite offensive and it may well have been the urge to demonstrate just how foolish his insinuation had been that caused me to set off up the footpath .
10 This may or may not have been true , though knowing Henry II , it may well have been .
11 It may well have been the intention of the petitioner to seek a broader interpretation by pleading the existence of the trust and presuming that a more generous standard of interpretation should be used .
12 If all members of the human race had arrived roughly at the same time at the point when the need for a ‘ god ’ had started to influence human behaviour , it may well have been that the existence of a disastrous diversity of ‘ gods ’ , all of whom according to their worshippers conferred privileges , would never have become established .
13 It may well have related to his envy of the nursing pair and the demand he experienced to be a good father .
14 Friday 3 April Major , asked if recovery has already begun , replies ‘ It may well have done .
15 The CAA believes it may well have been a 99p UFO Solar , and warns buyers to take note of Article 75 of the ANO which restricts captive balloon and kite-flying to a height of sixty metres agl and forbids it within five kilometres of an aerodrome .
16 In the history of English parliaments it was a decisive encounter , although in terms of Sussex where commoners rather than knights or lords died it may well have been one of the familiar disasters around which ordinary life had to continue .
17 It may well have been fun while it lasted , but we might guess by now that the Titfords would not stay long in Spa Fields , any more than they had anywhere else .
18 If Alison Sargent had n't become a chartered accountant , it may well have been her , and not Michael Fish , that we see reading the weather forecast every evening .
19 It appears that the Brasserie was opened on the basis of a ‘ hunch ’ , and while it may well have a ready-made market in L'Auberge 's existing clientele , there was always a risk that this would simply be split between the two units .
20 The Mail had a regular page for women which would not be out of place in an English daily , where it may well have originated :
21 It may well have been , but what about Western governments ' involvement in Vietnam , Laos , Cambodia , Chile , El Salvador , Nicaragua , Suez , and Northern Ireland ?
22 If these two states had agreed to the Grand Design , it may well have succeeded .
23 It was found in a Late Helladic IIIA context , dating to 1400–1300 BC , yet it seems to be of Minoan workmanship or inspiration ; it may well have been brought to the mainland by proud Mycenean conquerors as booty .
24 It may well have been local brigands , but we 've found no clues . ’
25 Put another way : it may well have paid other industrial economies to allow the UK to take in their financial washing .
26 For example , Ambrose , Harper and Pemberton 's ( 1983 ) small study of men after divorce found that just over half their sample relied on parents and/or siblings for support , but they give little detail about the type of support offered and it may well have been practical as much as emotional .
27 if the rail fare 's gone up as I expect it may well have done .
28 It may well have become just another one of those self-congratulatory rhetorical devices that grace the public utterances of Anglo-American politicians .
29 It may well have shocked listeners in 1957 , but it now comes as the most delightful interlude — genuine , not mocking , in its evocations .
30 It may well have been at this moment , in the autumn of 1419 , that Henry V decided that the crown of France , which none of his predecessors had achieved , might be his .
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