Example sentences of "it [vb past] as though " in BNC.

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1 Already the tanks ahead were in action and it seemed as though they had made contact with , and destroyed the majority of the enemy flank guard .
2 When Tait miskicked in front of a gaping goal , it seemed as though somebody up there was working for Welling .
3 Stewart stayed with him for about an hour and a half and Lamb hung around for a while , but Smith was his main ally and , as the day ebbed away , it seemed as though only the new ball stood between England and a draw .
4 For a time it seemed as though the white working class had vanished .
5 I had a peculiar feeling : it seemed as though a great golden salmon leapt up inside me , full of life and courage .
6 From that time on , it seemed as though I loathed myself and looked for ways to punish my body .
7 They had looked to be a one-pace crew in practice and it seemed as though they had no answer to Oxford 's attack .
8 They wept on their last day of work : ‘ I felt terrible ’ ; ‘ it seemed as though you were suddenly cut off from life . ’
9 In February 1973 an eruption suddenly burst out on the tiny island of Heimaey , and for a time it seemed as though the town of Heimaey , Iceland 's biggest fishing port , would be destroyed .
10 It seemed as though Bukharin 's expanded negative reproduction was going into free-fall .
11 The further they went into the forest the more it seemed as though the village behind , with Fat Watt and Diggory the King 's man and the priest , represented the enemy , and the miles and miles of trees she had formerly and still a little feared had become a sort of sanctuary , a hiding place .
12 There was some dark object on the ground from which every now and again it seemed as though a piece of wood rose hesitantly and fell .
13 For a moment it seemed as though it had tapped some hidden reserve of strength and would ease itself up on to the opposite bank , and escape into the forest .
14 The rehearsal had gone well , and it seemed as though he had successfully jumped the chasm between off- and on-Broadway .
15 It seemed as though anger had given her the strength that rest in bed had failed to produce .
16 It seemed as though she liked to keep those she loved to herself , as if by sharing , some part of them would be lost to her forever .
17 At the time it seemed as though the Midland had miraculously got its money back from the ill-fated venture .
18 He had turned to fly around the eastern edge of the island 's encircling reefs and was now staring intently at the houses , searching for any signs of danger , but it seemed as though Murder Cay was deserted .
19 Sweetman crowed with laughter , but too soon , for , just as it seemed as though Ellen 's gesture had indeed collapsed into an ignominious anti-climax , the extinguisher first coughed , then spat a vicious deluge of white muck that fanned from the flared nozzle to splatter spectacularly against Sweetman 's chest .
20 Robin-Anne had her mother 's fair hair , so fair that it looked bleached , and she had her mother 's delicate good looks etched on to a face so pale that it seemed as though her skin must burn if it was exposed to anything more powerful than a light bulb .
21 It seemed as though they did n't want anyone else to intrude . ’
22 She closed her eyes and kept them closed for quite a while , and when she opened them again it seemed as though she had gathered herself together .
23 It seemed as though a valve had burst inside her and a great gush of energy was being released .
24 It seemed as though she had hardly done anything , it had all been so simple .
25 Even with the drama of Munich and the prospect of war it seemed as though Alec Reid had not found time for the outside world .
26 For a moment it seemed as though everyone but d'Arquebus would career back down fifty metres to the base of the tube .
27 It seemed as though rival nests of ants had been poured together willy-nilly .
28 Not that the ball needed an extra medal for , to Lucille , it seemed as though a jewel shop had been exploded into extravagant shards of light and colour .
29 Diana daubed luminous paint on the eyes of her cuddly green hippo so that at night it seemed as though he was keeping watch and looking after her .
30 However , it seemed as though agreement had been reached when Aung San and Than Tun signed the so-called Kandy Agreement on 7 September , whereby the BNA/PBF would be embodied in the regular army as separate units under their own officers .
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