Example sentences of "it [vb past] about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you were to pick up and weigh that apple you are about to eat , you would find it weighed about five ounces .
2 At birth it weighed about 40 kilos .
3 We can date the ‘ oxygen revolution ’ — the time when oxygen became an important gas in the Earth 's atmosphere — fairly precisely : it occurred about 410 million years ago .
4 Mustafa got Arab engineers up from Tel Aviv to build it and it cost about 700 Palestinian pounds .
5 As to the liquor , it filled about half the coffin and in it ‘ feathers , flowers , and herbs in abundance were floating , the leaves and stalks of which appeared quite perfect , but totally discoloured ’ .
6 Apart from the fact * IF * there was a pull , it happened about 2 yards outside the box .
7 An investigation of the Directorate published in Izvestiya of Oct. 22 , 1992 , revealed that the October 1991 order to form it from the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry was unknown to Supreme Soviet deputies ; that its personnel was armed and " in exceptional circumstances " could distribute its arms to people 's deputies ; that it guarded about 75 buildings in Moscow , " two-thirds of which have absolutely no relation to the parliament " ; and that it came under the jurisdiction only of the parliamentary Chairman .
8 Some of it arrived about two weeks after she had written to the box number , in the shape of three typewritten pages .
9 I should think it measured about two yards .
10 In 1986 it employed about 11,500 workers , and a year later , when its affairs were the subject of wide comment in the press , it was said to be employing 13,000 , or even 14,000 , workers .
11 The initiative covered 28 district health authorities in England and 28 local authorities It covered about 40 voluntary agencies and more than 50 hospitals .
12 There is some historic evidence to suggest that it included about 800 titles , among which some so important that they have tantalised historians ever since : works by Cicero , Tacitus , the Greek historian Polybius , the playwright Aristophanes etc. , quite possibly in complete versions .
13 In the beginning , it lost about 15 billion cubic metres of water by seepage each year .
14 But last month the Department of the Environment revealed that , out of more than 1500 large dams it knew about 191 have no known owner — and many more have no certificate of safety .
15 She was in her bed and it felt about two o'clock in the morning .
16 Though he had never seen their cottage he seemed to remember that his aunt had told him that it lay about two miles to the south .
17 Which is a nice promise to make but when you 've got so many thousand houses to get through it took about six months to set the scheme up .
18 And once the springs were cleared again , and all the junk removed , I 've , I did n't mention that it , it took about six months to get all the junk , prams and barbed wire and tins etcetera etcetera , removed , before you could actually start anything .
19 Mind , it took about eight weeks to achieve that desirable state , and all they did was to give me some tablets , good food , rest and lots of kindness .
20 I think it took about three years to get to a normal level .
21 We were n't lovers from the beginning — it took about 30 seconds .
22 I mean it took about ten minutes , quarter of an hour altogether .
23 So how can they do , and it took about ten years to build this
24 The flight from London was quite tolerable — it took about 12 hours , but the plane was nearly empty , it being New Year 's day , and I could even try to get some sleep by lying full length across four seats .
25 This , at least , is the view of Gair ( 1978 ) , who reports that a Gallup Poll in May 1978 showed that 40 per cent of Americans did not know that the United States imported oil at all , and that hardly any of them knew that it imported about half its crude oil and refined products at that time .
26 Do you know how , if you 've got a lot of toadstools and fungus in your in your garden , you have to dig down do n't you , it said about six inches down .
27 and when I looked it up it had about six other words to go with it .
28 Perhaps I missed it , it had about twelve people in it .
29 With the signing of the agreement it would appear Compaq has overcome the reservations it had about IXI Ltd 's X.desktop manager — included in Open Desktop — which Compaq steadfastly refused to accept as a part of ACE 's Open Desktop offering : it preferred instead HP 's Visual User Environment .
30 Yeah , yeah , yeah , the thing was , because it left about fifteen minutes later , at a quarter past eight , there was so much difference in traffic ,
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