Example sentences of "it [vb past] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 As a trans-Pyrenean kingdom , Navarre lasted from its foundation in the ninth century until the sixteenth century , when it got broken in two , Spanish Navarre becoming Spanish in 1512 while French or Basse-Navarre was incorporated into the French crown in 1589 , when its current king became king of France as Henri IV .
2 Yeah , I know , it was killed in the one where it got trapped in the .
3 First its propeller blade broke off after it hit a rock , then it got caught in currents so strong it could n't move in a straight line .
4 The council insisted on erecting another — this was about the time I arrived — and it got delivered in handy , fit-together sections .
5 Whereas if it got torn in the hand painted days then you 're talking a long length of time .
6 But if , without derogation of the Divine power , we may conceive the existence of such ministers , and personify them by the term ‘ Nature ’ , we learn from the past history of our globe that she has advanced with slow and stately steps , guided by the archetypical light , amidst the wreck of worlds , from the first embodiment of the Vertebrate idea under its Ichthyic [ fish-like ] vestment , until it became arrayed in the glorious garb of the human form .
7 ‘ Precatory ’ had become central ; but not in the useful way in which it became defined in English law , to denote words where the testator 's intention was a matter for dispute .
8 After a time it became known in other faculties that this was rather a special lecturer and people reading classics or history or the sciences took the trouble to go over to Ramsey 's lectures and swell his class .
9 It became entangled in the fence .
10 The classic story is that of the blues singer Ma Rainey , contracted to a company which did not have electrical recording when it became publicized in 1926 .
11 It helped set in motion renewed enthusiasm for tree clearance in upland catchment areas as yet another aspect of the land drainage solution .
12 It seemed linked in a way with my wanting to see Alison again .
13 It grew wedged in a fork of the trees , its roots dangling in the air to trap what nourishment they could from the mists .
14 For many years it lay ignored in store , but was restored a few years ago ; its lack of finish is particularly significant .
15 She tried to make her brain tell her , but it lay frozen in her skull like a woolly mammoth deep in a glacier .
16 The hood had slipped back from his head when he fell , by the way it lay bunched in his neck .
17 Until 200 years ago it had stood in the Berlin Stadtpalais for which Fiedler had also executed the panelling , flooring and cupboards .
18 Months later it had arrived in the post and since then it had stood in its velvet frame , beside her mother 's bed .
19 Being of only flimsy material and fitting tightly round Angela 's body , it had burst in two places when she fell , and when Mummy tried to pull it off , it tore again .
20 A plan of it had appeared in the Architects ' Journal the previous Friday , and it also appeared in The Times the morning after the Prince 's speech .
21 So too is the reason why , when the matter of their being able to meet was raised in parliament ( after an article about it had appeared in the Sunday Times in May 1964 ) the Home Secretary , Henry Brooke , denied that the pair had ever met which was plainly untrue .
22 It had appeared in Caxton 's edition of Voragine 's The Golden Legend ( 1483 ) and in Wycliffe 's translation of about a hundred years before ; but the sobriquet is reserved for the Geneva version of the Bible , first printed there by Rouland Hall in 1560 .
23 According to the conventional wisdom , fusion required great heat and hence could only have happened when the Earth was being formed ; however , if the Earth is five billion years old , all the helium would by now have risen away , yet it was there in amounts suggesting that it had appeared in the atmosphere only recently .
24 The twin caricatures of the King hoarding the nation 's wealth and the Prince dissipating it had appeared in other Gillray etchings , but nowhere with greater effect than in these two productions of July 1792 .
25 It had appeared in the garden of the villa one morning soon after Nour had returned for the holidays .
26 The raid took less than five minutes , but the damage suffered by Exeter was greater than it had suffered in the Baedeker raids , and there was greater loss of life , over 250 people being killed .
27 By 1789 it had assumed in most respects its nineteenth-century form .
28 The tiara was in essence a white cap , having two bands at the back like a mitre , but it had incorporated in it a coronet round the lower rim to which was added a second coronet under Pope Boniface VIII at the end of the thirteenth century , symbolizing sacerdotal and regal powers .
29 The parade ground was surrounded by trees and it had rained in the night ; the cobbles under our feet were wet and puddled .
30 Medical science did not make the progress in mastering cancer , heart ailments and mental and nervous disorders which it had made in dealing with communicable diseases .
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