Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 it it got away a bit you know and and
2 It became increasingly a political pariah , relegated to a marginal position in society , which could be safely ignored by influential opinion .
3 It became successively a fish market , a cheap restaurant , and finally a store for the London County Council .
4 Of course it became quite a game searching for pairs of initials but I do n't remember finding Alfred 's once . ’
5 And then it became perhaps a troublesome er entity .
6 and er as often as not they were ladies who had been separated or divorced and er they had all , a lot of sort of marital problems and it became almost a , a we welfare of job
7 It became subsequently a very celebrated and gallant defeat indeed , as the subject-matter of the great Anglo-Norman epic of the Chanson de Roland , composed at least 300 years after the event .
8 The government had promised a White Paper on inner cities , but in March 1988 it produced instead a thirty-two page glossy colour brochure , Action for Cities , and twelve separate press releases .
9 So do we understand from that that in the event it made only a few seconds difference , if at all ?
10 He raised his hand to his mouth in a gesture of dismay and held it suspended there a few inches from his face .
11 It created quite a stir on the camp when they left , as it was decided they would take all their ground crews with them in gliders .
12 On the higher literary level it rubbished quite a bit of Hardy and much of D.H.Lawrence .
13 It cost rather a lot , Nigel discovered when he looked at the bills he was expected to pay .
14 If they got in before ten it cost only a pound .
15 It caused quite a sensation in the camp and people were flocking down from far and wide to have a good view , so we were informed later .
16 And I think it it caused quite a lot of hassle and difficulty for people with young children .
17 Finding it caused quite a stir in the brass band world .
18 Such were the quantities of alchohol consumed that it seemed only a couple more years before London saw its first designer louts and designer riots .
19 Hodge and Parker commanded the midfield , Crosby and Rice , strongly supported by Laws and Pearce , drove forward on the flanks and it seemed only a matter of time before the right sort of cross reached Chapman or Clough .
20 The Phoenix King himself was trapped within the city , and it seemed only a matter of time before the entire land was devoured .
21 To the early Bolshevik leaders it seemed only a matter of months , if not days , before first Europe and later the rest of the world joined the Soviet and other socialist states .
22 It seemed only a matter of time , therefore , before the spending cuts and restrictions already imposed on the ILEA were followed by more drastic action .
23 It seemed only a matter of days before I was standing astride my bike at the gates of Sonning Common , together with my good friend Richard Smith ( who I think was twice as mad as me as he did n't have to do it ! )
24 It was an object lesson in finishing that would have preyed on the minds of the Belgian team at half time as they reflected on an opening 45 minutes during which it seemed only a matter of time before they took the lead .
25 It seemed quite a tall order at the time but in practice it worked out well and proved to be a most enjoyable experience as well as one of our more memorable tours of duty .
26 It had always seemed such an impossible dream , but with Louise talking about it so matter-of-factly it seemed almost a fait accompli .
27 Even in Britain it seemed almost a law of politics under George II and George III that the Prince of Wales should act as a rallying-point for all those who hoped to benefit from a change of ruler .
28 It seemed almost a mockery , a travesty of what should have been .
29 She ate quickly , partly because she was so used to eating alone now that it seemed more a practicality than a pleasure , and partly so that the servants might have their own dinner at leisure in the kitchen .
30 It seemed hardly a week went by without a new ‘ breakthrough ’ in the technological aspects of the sport ; costs were inflating ; teams could n't be run without proper ( i.e. large ) budgets .
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