Example sentences of "it [prep] the other " in BNC.

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1 So , as our planet moves on its yearly orbit around the sun , the northern hemisphere is angled towards the sun for part of the year , and the southern hemisphere is tilted towards it for the other part .
2 This artificial ash cliff is perhaps one of their last strongholds have also found refuge around our fire stations , protected from tramping feet and sheltered from chemical sprays these rare plants thrive in the damp salty margins alongside the ash lagoons all this within the boundaries with just a few of the country 's coal fired power stations but the need for sea walls of other coastal stations merely intake pipes to the coaling system , another world teams this is not a plant , fan worms have flowerlike mouth parts used to filter food from the sea water other worms use just two sticky tentacles to catch food shrimps forage over closely packed sea the delicate bodies of these printed vertebrates work as tiny water pumps , pulling water in one hole and pumping it through the other here two barnacles feed in the gentle flow of water over the cooling pipes from the station Marine life quickly packs the underwater structures and is about to become too thick and sometimes affect the performance of the machinery barnacles belong to the same family as crabs and lobsters , but being in their adult life standing on their head which is fixed to the concrete they use their feet to filter the water and kick food into their mouths but if they ca n't move , how do they get there so quickly in the first place ?
3 I wo n't go into the EMG system in extreme detail , because we 're presently preparing a special acoustic pickup article in which we can compare it against the other big names , but it seems to suit the Lowden very well .
4 ‘ One member of staff left for a moment and a man in his mid-30s appeared out of nowhere with what appeared to be a gun and pushed it into the other assistant 's ribs and asked for the money .
5 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
6 So absorbed , or intoxicated , was it that I used to photograph it with the other hand .
7 I 'd spent most of it with the other two , one bad and the other indifferent , now I 'd come across a good one and fate gave us four years together , that 's all .
8 He was particularly adept , this one , at stopping a forward bursting through from the line-out with a startling iron-hard thrust from his stump as he pulled him on to it with the other
9 Rather , it was the manner and forum — a press conference in Paris — in which de Gaulle had announced his verdict , without formally discussing it with the other Community members .
10 The young man — not a man at all , in fact , but a boy dressed like a man , bearing himself like a man — made a strange gesture : holding one hand at head-height , he struck it with the other , palm against palm , a glancing blow .
11 And then do it with the other leg .
12 What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions ?
13 Although we do not yet have a proper quantum theory of gravity , let alone one that unifies it with the other physical interactions , we do have an idea of some of the features it should have .
14 Tavett grew annoyed when he realized she had already discussed it with the other two the previous evening as soon as she had been allowed to leave the police station .
15 WordPerfect on it to compare it with the other one and it was I er said
16 ‘ And you 'll file it with the other stuff , will you ? ’ asked Hilda Machin at the door .
17 The same if I brush one arm against a wall or a lamp-post ; I must brush the other one as well , soon , or at the very least scratch it with the other hand .
18 And this is a matter which must be given some weight in decision when you combine it with the other factors also which we have gone through today .
19 I rather thought just wanted to contrast it with the other case and er it may not be obvious to the jury but why , why did you want a shot gun that 's a little shorter ?
20 We could equally well have placed it in the other hole ( state B ) and it would similarly remain there .
21 Put it in the other one ! ’
22 I 'll leave it in the other room for you .
23 We had seen it in the other tombs as well , sometimes carved on top of the paintings .
24 I suppose she 's put it in the other room .
25 I have it in the other room . ’
26 In whatever fashion the contrast is formulated ( we might say , for example , that the two revolutions — political and industrial — which had inspired the new political science began to move in different directions , towards greater equality in one case , away from it in the other ) it embodies a large part of the substance of political enquiry and of political doctrines from the nineteenth century to the present time .
27 More did not — but included provision for it in the other types of school .
28 For example , Gumperz identifies the following functions ( 1982 : 75 – 84 ) : quotations ( using a different code to mark a stretch of quoted speech ) , addressee specification ( choosing a code to pick out one 's intended addressee ) , interjections ( " sentence fillers " offset from the the main content of the sentence by a code switch ) , reiteration ( the message content is emphasised by repeating it in the other code ) , message qualification ( the main content of the message is " qualified " or adjusted by a clause in the other code ) , personalisation versus objectivisation .
29 There is a kind of confidence , typified in the prayer to Christ the source of sweet honey-cells of devotion , which is at odds with the stark mood provoked by a revulsion from sin in the whole piece and which is very different from the whole thrust of the short version : The profound realisation of Jesus as a source of grace at the heart of this passage in the long version colours the meditator 's longing for it in the other expanded meditations that open out of this sequence of prayers .
30 Go on , take it in the other room !
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