Example sentences of "it [prep] [being] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Munn Report proposed a list similar to that of the HMI , and Darling ( 1978 ) criticised it for being similar to those proposed by Hirst and therefore following his view that education is basically about the development of the mind .
2 They fasten on theological truths as on an armoury of big sticks , and they rain down blows on their long-suffering faith , belabouring it for being substandard and for failing to believe what it should .
3 The pressing question is what is it about being female that increases the risk of this condition ?
4 Our true guide should be their perceived needs , their ‘ simple ’ appetitive desires devoid of the human implications that ‘ desire ’ carries with it of being self-conscious .
5 In other public statements he was openly critical of the Lord Chancellor and his department , accusing it of being secretive and antiquated .
6 I mean one thinks of it like being alive in a box , one keeps forgetting to take into account the fact that one is dead … which should make a difference … should n't it ?
7 Scottish women have spent a great deal of time discussing the pros and cons of being an older women , but what 's it like being young in Scotland in nineteen ninety two ?
8 The Open Software Foundation denies a scathing front-page story in last week 's Communications Week that practically writes off its Distributed Management Environment ( DME ) , charging it with being late , possibly too late to matter much to the marketplace , and with causing in-fighting between OSF 's technology suppliers .
9 As Mr Michael Dukakis found to his cost in 1988 , voters equate opposition to the death penalty with being soft on crime , support for it with being tough .
10 I suspect that most of them identify it with being white .
11 When I went to junior school it was half and half , white and Black kids ; the Black guys were really revered , and lots of the white boys would try to act Black , because they associated it with being hard or cool .
12 However , Nimbus president , Sanjeev Ranjen , believes HyperSparc , thought to lag Viking ( UX No 381 ) , could still leapfrog it in being available to all comers sooner than it rival .
13 So , first of all when we 're thinking about our objectives , we 've actually got to think of it in being achievable .
14 One might argue that this feature of hypertext will forever prevent it from being convertible into cohesive linear form .
15 I could see the primitive method ; that did n't stop it from being effective .
16 I guess it was like the primitive interrogation techniques both malais and FAKINTIL were not above resorting to : you could see the stratagem but that did n't stop it from being effective .
17 It was uncomfortable , but the wood kept it from being cold .
18 She said that the increased charges to her , and she is totally immobile , except as I understand it from being able to move her head , the increased charges to her would be thirty seven per cent of her total weekly income of eighty pounds .
19 There is also a tendency to state the obvious in a way that stops it from being obvious .
20 She was n't sure about the ‘ and so on ’ , but there did n't seem to be any way out of it without being churlish .
21 We did it by being competent , ultra competitive , flexible and by taking fast , but informed management decisions and action .
22 It is therefore folly to give in to behaviour of this kind , and you should try to prevent it by being aware of the situation when it may arise and not responding as the dog demands .
23 He shows it by being angry and rude all the time to everyone .
24 I set off and we had a taxi because it was terrible and I thought oh well , we had a lovely weekend , I 'm not going to er spoil it by being soaking wet getting to Piccadilly station .
25 Diana has weakened it by being popular .
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