Example sentences of "it [prep] [v-ing] it " in BNC.

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1 But I mean it 's people 's perceptions is n't it about travelling it 's quite material .
2 You can think of it as sharing it out between people , share that ten pound out between ten of you .
3 of the charge and the rest comes from central Government — is it worth collecting it ?
4 is it worth rewinding it Charlotte ?
5 It is supplied on a single disk and the Install program deletes the Easy Project data from it after translating it to a blank data disk in the second drive , leaving the A disk as systems disk .
6 A small boy laughs an unforgivable sin in such a sober and wary atmosphere , his grandad scolds him for destroying the unquiet silence which haunts the underground , he grabs the toy gun clasped in his grandson 's fist and confiscates it after letting it wave foolishly , causing several greatly disturbed heads to turn , he buries into the depths of his duffle coat pocket .
7 So the sharing 's a bit like doing the times only the other way round is n't it like doing it backwards .
8 I would say : if you want to talk of my thinking it in such circumstances then the least misleading thing to say is that I think it in saying it .
9 It has n't actually done cos I put that funnel on the end to stop it from doing it .
10 Thieves , having stolen a car , take it for a joy ride and then strip it before setting it alight to destroy the evidence .
11 By ten-thirty , Beth had cleared away the breakfast things , washed the dishes and stacked them into the big dresser , wiped down the kitchen table , taken the coconut matting from the floor and hung it over the line outside where she beat every speck of dust from it before replacing it over her freshly scrubbed quarry tiles ; all that done she was now enjoying a cup of tea , before setting about the drawing room .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid it is , ’ said Breeze , and he rescued it from its watery grave , and shook it before handing it to her .
13 How close it approaches a food item is dependent on several factors , because the bream , in common with other bottom feeding fish , has the facility of extending lips which it uses to suck and blow a food item to clean it before consuming it .
14 Lift the stencil carefully , and rinse and dry it before moving it to the next position .
15 The contractors take it away and dilute it before spreading it thinly on the soil . ’
16 Finch handed the photograph to Miller , who did no more than glance at it before passing it on to Golding and muttering : ‘ Could be anywhere . ’
17 Gentle took it , pocketing it without unfolding it .
18 But it , I do n't need it now , I managed to fix it without bashing it with that .
19 But still he did n't smile , and later I wondered if perhaps we 'd hit it without knowing it .
20 Can you see it by looking at it without touching it ?
21 He once remarked that good prose is like a window-pane , meaning that you ought to be able to see through it without seeing it ; and anyone who has ever tried to write prose like that , or to see human creatures in life or fiction like Waugh 's early fictional characters , will know how much clutter of mind and words needs first to be cleared away .
22 ‘ Each is only concerned to find ways of advocating it without getting it . ’
23 use it without spilling it down .
24 If Cad had become aware of him on that occasion , as she soon would , when she became their go-between , she would have taken his attachment as her due : she counted the giving of delight as nothing for she accomplished it without intending it .
25 She went over to help lift the beams , and then hand new turfs and heather up to Luch , who was light enough to clamber over the roof to mend it without breaking it .
26 You can get , you get yeah you can get tied into it without realizing it .
27 Once you add water and gravel you wo n't be able to move it without emptying it again .
28 Only at the Opéra do they beat time without obeying it ; everywhere else in Europe they obey it without beating it .
29 It is not true that elsewhere they obey it without beating it , since one beats time wherever choruses are sung .
30 She glanced at the automatic camera attached to her wrist ; all this time she had been clutching it without giving it a thought .
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