Example sentences of "it [prep] [be] one " in BNC.

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1 They want space and they would expect it to be one of the bigger cars .
2 Bowe 's trainer Eddie Futch , 80 , who 's probably seen more fights than even most men of his age have had hot dinners , expects it to be one of the best he 's been involved with .
3 Although topic work is sometimes justifiably criticised for being shallow and unstructured , I believe it to be one of the most valuable aspects of the primary school curriculum .
4 Aquitaine overflows with riches of many kinds , excelling other parts of the western world to such an extent that historians consider it to be one of the most fortunate and flourishing of the provinces of Gaul .
5 The Collector himself had paid no attention to it , assuming it to be one of the many trivial ailments from which the garrison , deprived of adequate fresh food , was now suffering .
6 The Silver Sabre has restored my confidence and I consider it to be one of the best machines that I have used .
7 The majority of those questioned considered it to be one of the best prospectuses published , easy to use , attractive and informative .
8 I believe it to be one of two aircraft , both Dornier Do 17Zs which were both shot down in the same area within a few days of each other .
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