Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 Or would it be better the other way round ?
2 Upon it were visible the prints of many different thoughts , and some conflict .
3 If it were consistent the government would have to view these variations too as evidence of inefficiency .
4 If the retail sector were imperfectly competitive , the derived demand curve would be steeper in slope , and if it were inefficient the derived demand curve would be a greater distance below .
5 Wickham 's initial feeling was that if it were true the only surprising thing was that Barron had not flown away sooner .
6 A spokesman for the Tobacco Advisory Council said : ‘ It 's deplorable the way Mr Waldegrave has discriminated against the UK industry ’ .
7 And then his son they had a Mercs each , and he 's built a new bungalow now in they 've all got massive big places , it 's fantastic the money they made out of it .
8 She says that considering he 's only lived here for a short while , it 's fantastic the way people are celebrating his success .
9 And it 's surprising the number of people er who do speak Spanish .
10 Cuts into the , it cuts into the we the weeks , I mean that sounds terrible , I 'll be , you 're only working a few days but it 's surprising the teaching days I do really , that really does cut into my time at home .
11 and that softens the joint , and it 's surprising the warm water going in
12 I played a little bit of it back last night to listen how it , and it 's brilliant the way the picks things up !
13 Building work is due to start in November , and when it 's complete the women 's group will be transferring its operations from Rockview Street to the new Broadway premises .
14 ‘ I do think it 's rotten the way none of you chaps speaks French , ’ he said angrily .
15 It 's extraordinary the way they materialize like flies out of thin air when the sun shines .
16 Well I think it 's much better once things are served I think it 's better the jury know that they 're being shown everything of relevance .
17 but nevertheless it 's better the devil you know !
18 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
19 It 's strange the house is so quiet . ’
20 It 's strange the way that chains of thought and ideas are triggered ; there is often a delay .
21 ‘ I write most of the lyrics , but it 's strange the way some of them come out , ’ he says .
22 ‘ I write most of the lyrics , but it 's strange the way some of them come out , ’ he says .
23 ‘ We only electrofished four miles of the open ended canal and it 's possible the fish could have survived and moved in the 20 mile stretch before the locks .
24 It 's possible the hoard was actually found somewhere else on the site — say the cellar of one of the houses — and put in the flue for safe-keeping , to be drained away gradually .
25 ‘ They think Sybil was the victim of a walk-in thief maybe a junkie , and it 's possible the same person killed Angy . ’
26 It 's possible the doctor will opt for a Caesarian section , ’ the nurse explained briefly , checking notes on a clipboard .
27 But it 's possible the antiques and art may have already been shipped out of the country .
28 Police say it 's possible the man is responsible for two sex attacks and he must give himself up .
29 It 's possible the gang made their getaway along the nearby M4 .
30 But it 's possible the Wessex may never return to full service .
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