Example sentences of "it [modal v] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , GH5 is a eukaryotic protein that binds as a monomer , is not sequence-specific ( although it may have sequence preferences ) , and the structure of the DNA on binding to GH5 is unknown .
2 However , when such play becomes hurtful or frightening to one of the children involved it may have effect equal to that of interference by an adult and should be regarded accordingly .
3 A steering committee need be neither large nor expensive , but it should have authority , and it should have the confidence of those involved with the course and the institution in which the course functions .
4 That is not quite what we suggested , which was that it should have regard to affordability .
5 No , so we should be age thirty four , and it should have non-smoker at the top , so it 's right at the front , the commonest mistake is to look up smokers in non-smokers , and non-smokers in smokers .
6 If a horse does have to live in a yard or stable , it must have exercise every day .
7 I ca n't see it nowhere — it must have fell off someplace .
8 Thus , in a class 1 case ( actual undue influence ) , the creditor must have notice of the circumstances alleged to constitute the actual exercise of the undue influence ; in a class 2 case it must have notice of the circumstances from which the presumption of undue influence is alleged to arise .
9 Thus , in a class 1 case ( actual undue influence ) , the creditor must have notice of the circumstances alleged to constitute the actual exercise of the undue influence ; in a class 2 case it must have notice of the circumstances from which the presumption of undue influence is alleged to arise .
10 If any country wishes to preserve its identity it must have control of immigration .
11 With airlines such as Hispania , British Island Airways and Paramount going belly-up , and others such as Dan-Air and Monarch reducing capacity , Airtours was concerned that it might have difficulty securing flights for its holidaymakers .
12 I mean in som In some ways in the word my it might have part of that symbol you write with a J in it .
13 It 'll have colour , it 'll have pattern in it you see .
14 Because it 'll have DOS Help for a start .
15 It 'll have colour , it 'll have pattern in it you see .
16 On the other hand , Bull is promising a multiprocessing version of AIX in the third quarter and says it 'll have multiprocessor boxes in the fourth quarter .
17 It saved some bacon here and was a morale booster there — after all , it could have bee a lot worse .
18 Depending on the location of the new settlement , it it could have traffic consequences beyond North Yorkshire boundaries .
19 And erm with these you changed them both into sixths did n't you could have changed them both into twelfths and it would have work but then we 'll get an answer that needs we would have got sixth twelfths well it still comes to a half .
20 Adding salt to the wound , HP also announced that it would have OpenView release 3.1 out by the third quarter increasing the pressure on other DME participants to get their stuff out the door .
21 Good so it might be it might be something like B R O three or B R O or B R O two something like but it would have oxygen to go with it .
22 It would have capital resources of 10,000 million ECU ( some US$12,400 million ) , 30 per cent of this to be paid up in members ' subscriptions and the rest being callable capital .
23 It would be prepared to " flip " name-words and it would have access to useful cross-reference files derived from the forms of names and titles which people actually search for .
24 Milan , perhaps significantly , announced it would have Lendl for the next three years .
25 It would have revenue effect of course in ninety four , ninety five and our future budget will have to reflect that .
26 If the animal lived on the sea bottom , it seems unlikely that it would have eye lenses specialized for looking downwards , and we begin to suspect that the animal habitually dwelt above the sea floor .
27 It 's become apparent that had the plane been a few feet higher it would have hill .
28 The HCR — the legislative assembly during the transition period — was to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the conference ; it would have control over the executive , and would supervise the drafting of constitutional texts .
29 And this is a ph , like a photocopy , so what you 'll have is a nice printed version with Abbey Life blue , purely for you to get a feel of if you like , , and in this , we 're very quickly going to go through on the first sheet it will have activity and production and it will have your data there .
30 This is important for the biologizing of consciousness : consciousness will evolve only if it improves the survival chances of creatures endowed with it ; and it will have survival value only if it accurately reports what is actually ‘ there ’ .
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