Example sentences of "it [conj] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And we 've we 've proven that er some people have said , Oh well he wo n't come on he ca n't either afford it or he does n't want to .
2 I kissed the rose , and that night , in bed , I placed it where he desired me to .
3 Then he would kiss it where he knew its mistress 's lips had been not long before ( the location of the kiss remains a matter of debate : some say on the muzzle , some say on the top of the head ) ; he would whisper in the shaggy ear of Nero ( or Thabor ) the secrets he longed to whisper in the ear that lay between the muslin dress and the straw hat ; and he would burst into tears .
4 For example the owner of a motor vehicle can be said to use it where he sits at the side of the driver , who is not his employee and the vehicle is being used for his purpose ( Cobb v Williams [ 1973 ] RTR 1 13 ) .
5 Let him put it where he wants .
6 He puts it where he wants it , and over long distances as well .
7 I bet you let him shove it where he wants !
8 He exploited it where he found it ; he fed off it like a predator .
9 When my Report was submitted to Mr Kenneth Baker , Secretary of State for Education and Science , he so much disliked it that he insisted that it should be printed back to front , starting with chapters 15 to 17 , which included our recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study , and relegating the explanatory chapters 1 to 14 , which he thought unnecessary , to a kind of appendix .
10 Was it that he looked so much like his father ?
11 By this time , Lewis had shown Morse the yellow A4 sheet ; and Morse had seemed so delighted with it that he 'd turned on the car 's internal light in transit .
12 If Leary got nothing else , Rain would see to it that he got that .
13 He must seek the advice of the wisest money-brokers and buy a pension scheme if he be self-employed ; he must see to it that he does not over-extend himself on the mortgage front ; he must run a motor car that does n't drink petrol like tapwater and wo n't break him every time it needs a service from a franchised dealer ; above all , he must abstain from vicious pleasures — or if he needs must indulge , then he must do so only in moderation .
14 Bill says it was apparently done by some lunatic for reasons unknown , but he wants to know if you have any information about it that he does n't have . ’
15 Just see to it that he does not also cast his eyes on Ana . ’
16 A child , after all , knows most of the game … it is only an attitude to it that he lacks .
17 I promised that his further education would be no burden to them , and that after the war , I would see to it that he received a free college education , which should not be denied him , but all I got was ‘ You take ‘ im , Mr Burton , you take ‘ im . ’
18 It is here that Scaevola appeals to the trust clause ; and it is on the basis of it that he allows their entitlement to stand .
19 Bernie would always have it that he had known Malcolm since he was a mod in the sixties hanging out at — among other places — Eel Pie Island , where The Who and The Stones used to play .
20 Unless , of course , they had not wanted him to know , and had seen to it that he had no address for them .
21 Germon and Shane Thomson are two of the gentlemen of New Zealand cricket , and one run later Germon took Thomson 's word for it that he had caught him at extra cover , and walked .
22 This pistol was so heavy that he could not , of course , stick it in his belt ; it was all he could do to lift it with both hands But he had been so enthusiastic about it that he had willingly gone through the laborious loading of its honeycomb of barrels , one after another , and now it was ready to wreak destruction .
23 Why was it that he had this profoundly unsettling effect on her ?
24 He had thought that that would be the last he would hear of her , but a few days later she had sent him her first piece , and he had been so impressed by it that he had printed it and asked her to write more for him .
25 She would put her life on it that he had n't .
26 What colour was it that he chose ?
27 He used to listen to American Football on the American Forces Network and was so enthused with it that he wrote to the American Embassy , who invited him to visit them for the day .
28 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
29 ( One story , which entered his official state Department biography , has it that he told several students that his own rise to the position of ambassador showed what great opportunities there were for the young in Iran .
30 John Bellany , whose Chinatown is among the most familiar of the scheme , received so much publicity from it that he came back to London Underground to ask if he could do another .
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