Example sentences of "it [adv] [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , the political problems of abolishing it outright would be huge and so some have advocated phasing it out over a period of time .
2 They represent , in Russell 's colourful phrase , the realm of " logical fictions " , and while the life as we know it obviously would be inconceivable without great many of such " fictions " ( they include , among other things , all the spatio-temporal objects of our everyday experience ) , there are a large number of others which are neither very useful nor indispensable and should be carefully guarded against if we are not to end up with an ontology crowded with all sorts of phoney entities .
3 In many cases it obviously would be and if there was any element of duress brought on the other contracting party under the modern development of this branch of the law the proposed breaker of the contract would not benefit .
4 ‘ I do n't think sewing it together would be the slightest use . ’
5 If a rational style of thinking and intention openly presented , with results of action always revealed , became a large scale , habitually public act , it alone would be a considerable achievement .
6 Seeing no need why it alone should be expected to make up the deficit , it requested its allies to increase their defence expenditure .
7 A firm going it alone will be restricted in the number of other firms it can approach without the news that it is looking to merge leaking out .
8 In order to prove the truth of History 's prospective totalization into one meaning , therefore , Sartre 's initial philosophical task was to ground his argument epistemologically by proving the legitimacy of the dialectic itself , thus demonstrating not only that history was dialectically intelligible but also why it necessarily should be so .
9 Dot 's heart began pounding , first with anxiety , then with an irrational hope that it just might be Mr Brown who was back .
10 And even if it were , as it just might be , true , why should she assume that this old ex-pat , mainly interested in the hunt for gentleman 's relish , knew anything about it ?
11 It just might be a bit short of ink when we do .
12 I thought it just might be some sort of lovers ’ tryst not some bloody SAS training exercise . ’
13 It just might be somebody we know , and jog them along and say
14 She shook her head slightly , trying to clear her thoughts , but a tiny suspicion , the merest thread of possibility persisted : it just might be that the man whose initial scattered the pages of Elise 's diary before abruptly ceasing , three weeks before her death , could have some bearing on the mystery .
15 But it just might be learning .
16 Tony is er Professor of Economics at Cambridge and is a world renowned luminary in economic circles and er he 's , he 's here for the next week as a special professor and er is giving a number of lectures er most of which are open to , to all , to all students and he is a very famous economist , very clever chap you know if you can get to see him I , I 'd reco I 'd recommend it erm presuma there may be a sort of programme of his visit stuck up on the student notice boards erm , if there is n't er he 's giving a , a lecture tomorrow two o'clock in B seventy four and that 's , that 's if , he is going to be talking to the M A students er taking Economic Development and Policy Analysis and his topic there is comparing income inequality and poverty in Europe erm so if you , you know , if you are free tomorrow at two it just might be interesting to go along to , feel free to go to B seventy four tomorrow at two o'clock .
17 What would have happened , she wondered , if she 'd told the woman the truth , that it just might be the end of the world , that she could n't keep going through the days this way , plodding from home to work and back again , with nothing to devote her energies to , nothing to occupy her thoughts — except Nicolo , and how much she despised him ?
18 I think it just might be .
19 It just would be so awful to move our lovely trees cos they 're all so , so dependent , that 's it !
20 But it just may be that now , when we 've got rid of so many wrong ideas , now , at last , is the moment when we might be able to frame — an answer . ’
21 and I take a drink , but hard drugs misused drugs it just must be shu he sheer hell !
22 I suppose it just could be Uncle Cosmo , although I 'd be sad to hear he 'd died .
23 If these are the lessons of prudence , then standing back from the official portrait of crime and criminals and looking at it critically might be a very beneficial move towards getting our heads straight .
24 Although this was a far cry from the power and authority of a body like the United States Supreme Court , it nevertheless could be seen as the beginning of a practical appreciation of the concept of constitutionality as understood in the West .
25 No matter how ruthless and cruel the evolutionary process may appear to be , it nevertheless must be regarded as having been inevitably so .
26 Swallowing it backwards can be painful or even fatal .
27 As we have seen in the last chapter the surface of even the smoothest glass is infested with tiny invisible cracks and even if it were not , it soon would be when it had brushed against some other solid .
28 If not now , it soon will be capable of achieving complete air superiority over south of the 38th Parallel , and of materially assisting the North Korean ground forces should they attempt to move into South Korea .
29 theone championship left to win for Pete Harvey is the British crown … his name 's not on the cup yet but if current flying form has anything to do with it it soon will be
30 This is n't a movie script , but it easily could be .
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