Example sentences of "it [conj] [prep] course " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just now , ’ they told me ‘ it is the Garara ( trousers which flare from just above the knee ) and quite a short Kamiz to go with it and of course a Dupatta ( a long light scarf ) in georgette in an exactly matching colour ’ .
2 And it 's got victory written in small letters all over it and of course the v for victory and this this particular design here has got items of clothing and the number of coupons required for each item scattered over .
3 If that er clothing becomes heated and it gets to the right temperature it will burst into the flames , likewise if it 's not balanced properly and you go out the door the living room or the lounge into the kitchen or some other part of your home the draft by closing the door can knock the airer over , unbalance it and of course er set fire to the clothing .
4 To avoid this means careful research of community needs , time and knowhow to conduct it and of course funding .
5 A workload survey that the are doing , and er they they 're trying to get loads of GPs to do it and of course they want me to do it next week , and I 'm not here next week .
6 Well we got married in nineteen forty one and I lived first of all in Sussex where erm my mother was living because my husband went into the Air Force and he was erm away for five years , well we had a lot of bombing in the early part of the war in Sussex and my father eventually came here to Harlow thinking we were getting away from it and of course we came right into the V er what was it ?
7 She 's not really enthusiastic about it and of course no doubt we 're getting problems again , stuff going missing , stuff like that , whatever
8 Wil paid good beer money to see it and of course himself .
9 Erm , yes , right , no we sha n't be losing it and of course when we decided , rang her up , oh great , so at last I can have my chair .
10 There was factories on it and of course the workers keep coming in and out .
11 So he went up and had a scan and they s they checked it and of course when they checked the scan they noticed that his kid one of his kidneys had n't been functioning for a long time .
12 So you know quarter to a third and er it 's not got a lot of land with it and of course it 's not mentioned a great deal in directories .
13 It 's a pleasure for any other to see her child being able to do it but of course it 's hard work .
14 Which I really I went to Amos and I did n't like it but of course I had to stick it .
15 We had every other Sunday off , you see , but otherwise we worked and did n't get any extra for it but of course the girls like myself well erm we could n't lift these huge urns of tea so they had two men keep them on , you see , and er , and we were er perhaps I know one day we did n't finish until five o'clock in the morning
16 and that 's the way its it left we left it but of course as I mentioned to him we 'd completely omitted Tats which of course we we we had n't done Tats at all .
17 No you know it 's just to have a point if anyone had thought anything about it but of course
18 That 's to an expert sailor to reef was n't it because of course the stronger the wind the more exciting the sailing
19 the only erm problem I had I think with the basic er terms as outlined in this document are the fact that I 'm going to be wor erm intending to work for fif at least fifty of the fifty two weeks in the year at it when of course erm certainly as we 'd already agreed on my erm business plan within the summer month from the the end of July until the beginning of September
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