Example sentences of "it [adv] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When a drifting particle of food touches an arm , tube feet fasten on to it and pass it on from one to another until it reaches the gutter that runs down the upper surface of the arm to the mouth at the centre .
2 ‘ Give me that , ’ said Tabitha , snatching the melon from Saskia , who was balancing it on her arm , rolling it slowly from her shoulder down to her wrist and back again .
3 With one blow I could wipe that expression and the flesh that paints it right from their skulls .
4 Rather than glance at it as most people did , he reached out and took it gently from her grasp .
5 The cabinet ministers , parliamentarians and civil servants in London knew it only from its press image and inability to assert itself against mounting agitation .
6 I wrench it fiercely from his weak grasp .
7 In the meantime , while I check on the bridge , read this , I brought it down from my cabin to show you .
8 She snatched it eagerly from his hand and began to eat with great relish .
9 No , taking it just from him just cos he 's an old sod come too often .
10 Anna was growing tall , and her black hair was so unruly Peg had plaited it to keep it away from her pale face .
11 And on Monday mornings , she would look at the little bridge on her willow pattern plate and wish she could run across it away from her Uncle Philip 's house to where the flowering trees were .
12 Every so often the light wind teased it away from her ears , revealing her favourite earrings as they swung against its soft darkness .
13 She felt strong fingers catch hold of it , grasping it firmly and pulling it away from her face .
14 Do n't cheat do n't look at the answers , take it away from her face .
15 He took a piece of tracing paper over the old one though and Germanicised it and took it away from what we call Old English .
16 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
17 Scraping away the yellow clay , I discovered a metal drainage pipe , and the dam thing proved to be eight feet long when I finally wrested it away from its niche .
18 I 've jus ' took it away from its muvver so it 'll need the warmth . ’
19 He held it to his nose and smelled its furry warmth , then spun it away from him with a twinge of regret at having torn it so wantonly .
20 The force of the tide threatened to snatch it away from him .
21 One of them contained a silver sixpence which Frankie turned in his fingers but did not remove in case Sweetheart , in her present bad mood , took it away from him .
22 He used the whip on Gallagher , but Gallagher managed to take it away from him and then used it on him . ’
23 There was a smear of what looked like lipstick on the brim of the cup and he turned it away from him slowly , so that she should n't notice .
24 But he quickly put it away from him .
25 Bob took it away from him and kept it .
26 He picked it up and held it away from him while he looked at it .
27 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
28 His armour of cynicism was shown up as useless ; all he could feel was how desperately he had wanted the job and how bitter he felt at the injustice that had taken it away from him .
29 Dangerfield followed and , as the gendarme raised his truncheon , reached up and tugged it away from him .
30 When he got back to the car Ivy took it away from him and opened the other end .
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