Example sentences of "it [adj] for he " in BNC.

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1 If the patient had hobbies before his stroke or head injury , such as drawing , painting or needlepoint , you should try to make it possible for him to take them up again .
2 It was a belief in a designing and orderly God which made it possible for him to think there might be a consistent cause for his ‘ headaches ’ .
3 His acceptance of what he calls ‘ the doctrine of the manyness of reality ’ , by which he probably means that reality can be conceived of in many different ways , makes it possible for him to approve of the non-creative aspect of God as propounded by the Jains , and the creative aspect of God as propounded by Rāmānuja the foremost exponent of the Viśi ādvaita position .
4 Although the first two rounds of this year 's Davis Cup , one week after the Australian Open and then a week after Lipton , made it possible for him to fit them into his tournament programme for the first three months of the year when his number one ranking was under such threat , he says , ‘ The Davis Cup is certainly one of my priorities now . ’
5 Carter , on the other hand , not only had big majorities , but was a centrist ideologically — a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative who was also a liberal on civil rights , the environment and education , making it possible for him to straddle the historical division in the Democratic party .
6 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
7 He admired Jotan 's detachment , and concluded that it was the lack of direct involvement which made it possible for him to behave as if nothing had occurred which could be the source of concern .
8 While the politics of the time may have been sterile , it does appear to have had more than its share of colourful characters ; bogus radicals like A.P.T.James and Chanka Maharaj ; the legendary and fabulously wealthy Bhadase Maraj , who was an American-style ward boss ; Norman Tang , whose mastery of the ‘ art ’ of inscrutability made it possible for him to ‘ develop the reputation of being the only minister never accused by the Civil Service of political interference ’ .
9 A shower fitment on the bath taps facing the patient makes it easier for him to wash himself thoroughly .
10 If he is to practise standing up , the plinth height may be raised , so that he is perched on the edge with his legs fairly straight : this reduces the support under his seat , but makes it easier for him to stand .
11 I made it easier for him by saying I was n't tired , I wanted to stay up and star-gaze , and anyway the sofa in the living area was very comfortable .
12 He ordered Rose to take one of Effie 's legs and lift it on to her shoulders , and McAllister the other , to make it easier for him to help the insistent baby on its way .
13 ‘ You could make it easier for him to bear , Lavinia , ’ she suggested tentatively .
14 That might , in fact , make it easier for him .
15 so the most-talked-about terrace-player gets another half-page over here — if Frank play well in the US that might make it easier for him to get a new club .
16 Watching her now , in this setting , made it easy for him to believe this .
17 While Nicholson 's experience made it easy for him to contemplate such preparations , the work of the Perkins at King David For indicated that it was unlikely that more than quart quantities of aniline could be prepared safely on the Kennington Road premises .
18 He loved the tough life of thrill and fear and his excellent war record had made it easy for him when , in 1941 he had decided to apply to join the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
19 This had made it easy for him to reach the traps as there were no banks here as such , just fiats of mud and rock .
20 This made it easy for him to appear younger , simpler and less thinking than he was .
21 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
22 But she made it easy for him .
23 And then the minute he wants something — which is only ever one thing — you 're all over him , making it easy for him and when he 's got what he want he says ‘ Thank you very much .
24 She was n't making it easy for him to rescue her .
25 She was n't about to make it easy for him , and if Lori was as close as she believed then she needed every edge she could get .
26 We can at least bring the case to the light , and make it dangerous for him to harm the boy privily .
27 Would n't speak to me for six months , but then his natural goodness of heart , as well perhaps as his gradual realization that I might have been right , that perhaps I had saved him from a fate worse than death , made it impossible for him to keep it up .
28 He hated her for making it impossible for him to bring women home .
29 He had made no plans : fatigue made it impossible for him to think rationally .
30 His desire to be always in absolute control made it impossible for him to seek the medical and psychological help he needed and he had no close friends to persuade him .
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