Example sentences of "it [verb] it to " in BNC.

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1 The list dropped from her hand , and Mr Kronweiser seized on it to restore it to its place .
2 I saw again the one that escaped the Grounds and died just before it made it to the stream .
3 It wants a unitary authority and it wants it to be based upon its present framework .
4 If it does catch it , it knocks it to the ground and then grabs its throat in its strong jaws , killing it by suffocation .
5 The supply of money is assumed to be determined by government : what the government chooses it to be , or what it allows it to be by its choice of the level and method of financing the PSBR .
6 Luke took her hand , but instead of shaking it lifted it to his mouth and turned it over to press his lips to the very centre of her palm , watching the shock that widened her grey eyes at the tingling contact .
7 Can people who read it believe it to be objective and thorough when those who prepared it did not consult the agency that has the statutory responsibility for preparing flood prevention plans and for carrying out works to prevent flooding ?
8 And I 'm thinking work on your , work on your hard drive and when you 've got it the way you want it and when you 've got it the way you want it save it to the floppy and
9 at the speed I was doing it keeps it to that , if I 'd of kept it to fifty it would of been a lot more
10 I mean normally I do n't bother with the tokens , I mean I Anyway I paid the cheque and I said to Peter I said oh by the way what about me tokens for me for me toy I said if I get a free one of them I can give it to give it to the grandchildren .
11 Perhaps the book of lamentation is not the book you normally turn to , to find words of encouragement , but there are tremendous encouragements to be found in it , listen what the profits says there , in the third chapter , he says this I recall to my mind , and he 's talking about the time of his own affliction , the time when he is going through it , the time when nobody loves him , the time when everybody 's against him , when he 's suffering and he 's in pain the time when life is full of bitterness for him , he says this I recall to my mind , therefore I have hope , the lords loving kindness indeed never ceases for his compassion 's never fail and here Jesus is demonstrating that , he 's compassion 's never fail , he 's loving kindnesses they never cease , here in his dying hour Jesus is showing that in reaching out to this man but as we said the other week the , the deepest , the most important significance of what Jesus did then , of what Jesus said then , its not just of the historical account , but that he is able and willing to say and to do exactly the same today in your experience and in mine , what he did for that man on the cross he 's ready and willing to do for every one of us the incident may of happened nineteen hundred years ago , but there 's the old hymn , the verse reminds us , picks out that very story and it says the dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day and there may I , though via us he wash all my sins away , and that verse from William Cowper 's hymn , it takes up that great historical event , that tremendous happening in that man 's life and he links it with a present and it applies it to you and to me and says this can be our experience as well .
12 If a discount house buys a £50 000 Treasury bill for £48 000 at roughly what price will it sell it to a bank after six weeks ?
13 Whatever one thinks about this draft — and most lawyers who have studied it reckon it to be reasonably good , though it grants the president extensive powers that could be abused — the real issue has been how to get it adopted as Russia 's new constitution .
14 The court then went on to apply the law as it saw it to the facts of the case .
15 The Institute is opposed to specific legislation on this point since it considers it to be a ‘ practical problem ’ which does not impinge on implementation of the Directive itself .
16 However , it is always open to the court to strike out an unusually high rate of interest if it considers it to be unfair .
17 Right it 's a green gas and it 's also what it does it to this paper turns it acid to start with and then takes the colour away it is a bleach .
18 No , it does it to me dad every now and again it just wo n't budge !
19 If it sells it to the Third World , it destroys local economies .
20 Each letter is written in an onscreen box and a fraction of a second later , written the computer types it as the letter it believes it to be .
21 Two trial drillings produced results that attracted the interest of several US companies , but negotiations to exploit the well for commercial use broke down because they insisted on full control over the project , which the St Lucia government refused because it considered it to be a matter of national interest .
22 One of the characteristics of judicial review is that the supervising court does not substitute its decision for that of the public authority ; rather it leaves it to the body to make good its illegal behaviour by making a fresh decision which complies with the requirements of the law .
23 Whoever designed it intended it to be an eye-catcher as well as a practical building , and it remains a local landmark in the middle of a field , Peyto 's estate having long gone .
24 Fortunately , bacteria work on it reducing it to nitrites ( equally deadly ) and thence to nitrates .
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