Example sentences of "it [verb] often [be] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , since nearly 80 per cent of the nation were illiterate in early NEP , consisting of a disorganized and fragmented peasantry , it has often been assumed that the actions of this class have been both unreflective and ineffective .
2 It has often been noted that while barbarians fight with hatchets , civilised men fight with gossip .
3 For instance , it has often been thought that the progress of a military campaign , such as the invasions of the Germanic peoples into the northern Roman empire of the third and fourth centuries , could be plotted from the locations of hoards , or that areas with large numbers of hoards must have been relatively rich compared with other areas .
4 It has often been said — indeed I have said it myself — that the importance of the central dogma is that it provides a molecular explanation for Weismann 's theory of the independence of germ line and soma .
5 It has often been said that the majority of European farmers live poor , but die rich .
6 Stealth will prove to be a valuable asset ; it has often been so in the past .
7 In biological writing it has often been said that a character is advantageous or detrimental to a species .
8 It has often been pointed out , and in my view with justice , that the school curriculum has in the past been overwhelmingly in the power of the universities .
9 It has often been stated that the coloration , if not the breed type , suggests Scandinavian origins for the White Park and for the British White , in that the pattern is quite common , especially in the Swedish Mountain cattle .
10 Nor does a coat pattern make a breed ; indeed it has often been remarked that the only common factor among the various old park herds in Britain was their colouring .
11 The cottage which they eventually discovered at Clevedon , on the Somerset coast south of Bristol , was not quite the ‘ honeymoon cottage ’ it has often been called .
12 It has often been precipitated by a period of considerable exposure to cold , especially very cold dry weather and then ill the same day , that is soon after the exposure .
13 It has often been said that heads are recruited largely on the basis of having been successful classroom teachers and are therefore appointed to a new task on the basis of their ability in a different job .
14 There is no record of any laboratory tests on the substance though it has often been photographed .
15 The insidious growth of statutory planning restrictions , since the.first real control was introduced forty years ago , has increased with such rapidity that it has often been difficult to keep abreast of new legislation without concentrating exclusively on this aspect of the development process .
16 It has often been said that the non-neurotic person is one whose repressive mechanisms work well .
17 It has often been the haunt of famous cricketers ( the West Indies team has stayed here ) , and the memorabilia of these visits adds an unusual touch to the decoration of the public rooms .
18 It has often been said that Tony played a guitar with the crucifixes upside down , for a more sinister and satanic embellishment , but John Diggins is adamant that he never built one like that and he 's pretty certain that no such thing exists .
19 It has often been pointed out that even if he had written nothing before this stage he would still be regarded as an important poet .
20 Fletcher said : ‘ In the past it has often been an unfair battle between batsmen and spinners in indoor nets , many surfaces have been straight up and down and the ball has n't turned .
21 It has often been said that the family kept the process secret , but this seems unlikely , since it is known that pearl ash was used to secure the transparency .
22 It has often been observed that , whilst old age is not an illness , it does bring with it an increased susceptibility to illness and disease .
23 It has often been pointed out that in less developed societies , old people were seen as the repository of wisdom needed for daily living as well as for spiritual guidance .
24 It has often been said that the decisive development since Darwin was a new synthesis , in the 1920s and 1930s , of Mendel on heredity and Darwin on selection .
25 It has often been said that he did not really have any very clear idea of what he wanted from his Council ; and as far as content goes , that may be true .
26 I am unaware of any allegations of malpractice at the prison I visited , but it has often been claimed elsewhere that frauds are common among both staff and prisoners responsible for storing , weighing and distributing food , and that the actual consumption per prisoner can be up to 20 per cent below that laid down in the regulations .
27 In textbooks on criminology it has often been used to distinguish the specific school of thought of the original founding fathers of criminology : Lombroso , Garofalo and Ferri .
28 It has often been a surprise to discover the presence of an extensive spread of buildings well beyond the enclosure , this lack of awareness has led occasionally to their discovery all too late , whilst they were being ravaged by development .
29 It has often been stressed that there should be more interaction between Forum and Project sectors .
30 It has often been said that because of the restrictions on discovery , interrogatories and cross-examination under Ord. 53 , the AJR is not a suitable vehicle for resolving factual disputes , and this provides a justification for not requiring collateral attacks to be made by way of an AJR .
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