Example sentences of "it [verb] our [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It places member against member , it causes division , it destroys our solidarity and it weakens our movement .
2 I will destroy it now , before it destroys our friendship . ’
3 While the strength of the structure set of goals varies with circumstances during our lifetime , the period when it influences our motivation arousal patterns most powerfully is in childhood .
4 Our subject is the body clock ; how it influences our physiology and behaviour and how it interacts with the rhythms in our environment .
5 The causal chain between stimulus and response had a kind of inevitability , an independence from processes which we would normally regard as mental : it by-passed our knowledge of the friend 's personality , history , and basic assumptions about human motivation , the orderliness of conduct , and so forth .
6 ‘ And it spoils our view of the sea . ’
7 It involves our knowledge of the world as well , and if the story had gone
8 ‘ What harm can it possibly do anyone if we do n't let it invade our lives ?
9 It made our day to know that MKM can help with more than just knitting advice .
10 Because to begin with , at least — it made our back ache like a son of a bitch .
11 ‘ This is probably the first time a lot of these artists have exhibited their work and it made our job even harder having to eliminate pieces to decide on the final winners .
12 Odd that it made our mother so neurotic
13 We shall use it to promote our vision of an outward looking Community based on free enterprise .
14 Those of us lucky enough to see the wonderful 1960 European Cup Final between Real Madrid and Eintracht Frankfurt can truthfully say that it changed our attitude to football .
15 Stunningly arranged and orchestrated and devastatingly sung , it changed our expectations of soul , indeed of all pop , forever .
16 Erm if we see you know , if we see somebody walking down a walkway , and he 's got a stereo in his arm , arms should I say , and he puts it into a car then obviously it a it arouses our suspicion , we 'll take a quick note of the car 's registration number , and we 'll pass the relevant information through to Police Station .
17 It saps our strength and hurts our faith in our society , and in our future together …
18 That is the heart of British manufacturing and it needs our policies to carry on its renaissance .
19 It illustrates our point beautifully .
20 Despite obvious Iranian links with our captors , Britain appeared determined only to exploit the better relationship with Iran for British companies seeking contracts there , rather than using it to secure our release .
21 It highlights our determination to spread opportunity as widely as possible .
22 It has our sympathy .
23 Not as clear as that , it 's not a ris , it 's not that they 're either going to lose the six double O one and half a million , it 's the thing that 's , admit that they might , and it weakens our position .
24 It places member against member , it causes division , it destroys our solidarity and it weakens our movement .
25 First , it challenges our world-view .
26 It concentrated our minds , ’ Sir Denys has admitted .
27 If we do not know about something or do not realise what is addressed can be understood in another manner or seen through another lens , it skews our viewpoint ; it limits our options ; it clouds our perspective .
28 If we decide to change the way we do business or change the way the application works on how it models our environment , then we have to revisit using this architecture every single client machine on the network and upgrade that particular business function .
29 The law therefore does not confer an explicit right of protest but it circumscribes our freedom to do so , and what is left can be enjoyed .
30 The stench from it filled our cell , making us feel nauseous and apprehensive that we , too , might catch whatever it was they were suffering from .
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