Example sentences of "it [verb] and [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , Japan is two-thirds wooded but imports half her pulp , and the United States grows half as much again timber as it needs and could easily become self-sufficient in hardwoods .
2 But if the acidity rises ( for example , because of acid rain ) , it dissolves and can enter organisms .
3 That 's all I think about if , if it conks and wo n't start again , you ca n't get out
4 The IRA has always known better than to attack the security forces of the Republic , since it would instantly lose whatever support it has and could provoke the Irish government to order internment , as it did in the distant past .
5 But I am sure that a dynamic system which is flexible enough to respond to congestion as and when it occurs and can cope over time with any land use intensity changes without modification , will be more acceptable to the travelling public than rigid systems .
6 The moon had almost set and the night was now dark , but they could see the water faintly shining as it flowed and could just make out , on the further side , a thin belt of nut-trees and alders .
7 But he adds the value judgement that this is desirable because it exists and can not be undone .
8 If there is to be a conspiracy , at least everyone will see that it exists and will know who is involved .
9 And if you have what it takes and can stand the pace , a jolly good salary .
10 Two questions you will constantly be asked are : What can be done with the old wreck ? and What will it cost and wo n't it be a waste of taxpayers ' money ?
11 Even a slight push means that it falls and can not recover its original position of equilibrium .
12 Inside her she felt a power she could never manage to express ; it was trapped inside her like water under the ground and she was the only one with the dowser 's twigs who knew where it lay and could bring it to the surface .
13 This is not always necessary on liquid-based foundation as it dries and will set without leaving any residue .
14 Now whisk the mixture until it thickens and will hold a soft peak on the whisk .
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