Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] if " in BNC.

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1 Let's have a little look how it goes again if I may .
2 It is some years since it became generally if reluctantly accepted that sport and politics can not be separated .
3 The Indecent Displays ( Control ) Act 1981 was sound in principle , but so narrow in application that it has rarely if ever been tested in the courts .
4 That 's what John said last night , we er , all they , all went to bingo five of us went and it boomeranged well if you 're going I 'll come , if I 'm going you 're going I 'm going and the next thing poor old John had to go out and work look after about eleven kids
5 Does it matter therefore if Labour wins ?
6 I 'd not have it happen again if it can be avoided in honour . ’
7 While it is unquestionably a step in the right direction for such international teams to make recommendations as to optimal treatment schedules and ideal diagnostic facilities , it avails little if governments do not take their advice or if there is a shortage of money , personnel , or both .
8 Are export involved in this , I mean it seems quite if they 're not ?
9 Now , it may or not me noticeable if it 's a minor alteration in the surface geometry then it may be so slight as to make no difference in the way it performs so if , for example , it 's an enzyme it may not affect it at all .
10 It helps enormously if the external regard for your organization is high .
11 It helps too if the victim is prepared to be involved , directly or indirectly .
12 articles , books and stuff like that which talk about this thing erm it helps obviously if you can link in what you 're asking people to some of these previous ideas , theories , bits of evidence
13 Surgeons , and anyone concerned with the seriously wounded , knew that blood was under considerable pressure in the arteries , because it spurted powerfully if an artery was severed , but the arterial pressure was not measured until Stephen Hales ( 1677–1761 ) , ‘ Rector of Farringdon , Hampshire , and Minister of Teddington , Middlesex , undertook a fearsome experiment while exsanguinating a horse .
14 As soon as you hear a reference to Third World you know what it means even if some of its shades of meaning are deleterious to your grand hopes of creating One World out of its lunatic divisions and separatisms .
15 I think it means like if you saw that boy do something , the police , you , you take out a sworn affidavit that you saw him do that and , I think it 's a legal document , look it up , it 's
16 What would it prove anyway if it turned out that there was a man and that man was Connon ?
17 I 'll get it cleared here if OK .
18 Will he confirm that it operates only if there is prior written consent on the part of the employee —
19 And er if it suited then if you a young chap when they first started for a year or so you 'd be working with the cattle and himself , the boss , would be working the horse with a horseman .
20 It is well worth spending a few minutes setting up the rails and lace carriage to see how it works even if you do n't want to knit with them at present .
21 It works better if you believe . ’
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