Example sentences of "it [verb] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 I have enclosed a copy and would be most grateful if you could find the time to scan through it to see if I have made any errors of fact or tactics .
2 I felt fear at this moment but it passed and I was calmed in thought when the sensation passed .
3 Well th maybe I should look at it seeing as I missed it .
4 There may well be there 's a chair there and a chair there there well , I guess he 'd want you to sit there , do n't be tempted to pull the chair when it authority I 'm here , you 're there do with me , let's see how it goes and I trust you .
5 I do n't know I mean sometimes it goes and I think she 's in there do n't you ?
6 A losing attitude says , ‘ What difference does it make if I do n't do a job well ? ’
7 When I played , people who heard what I was doing and liked it recommended that I should get a Precision , which I eventually did , but I could n't seem to get enough of my own playing character to come through with it .
8 ‘ Who does it hurt but me ? ’
9 I 'd like to thank and , I 'd like it minuted that I 'd like to thank , our Councillors and County Council Councillors because they are getting the reports in now .
10 At seven it tightens and I feel a tug .
11 It creaked and I stopped and then heard something : a sort of thin scratching from underneath the stairs .
12 The dried blood from my nose was smeared all over the front of my mouth and it cracked when I tried to move my lips .
13 It reported that I had an 80C88 CPU , CGA screen and 512Kb of RAM , but then another figure which seemed impossible showed up .
14 It was called , I I ca n't remember it opening but I can remember the the Cooperatives Association , not the , it was the .
15 ‘ After about 45 seconds it stopped and I managed to get out .
16 Then it stopped and I found myself on the side opposite to her .
17 Erm , I think probably I would support the recommendation as it stands because I do think that we need to have a trial to see if the end performance , and I very very much support the idea of the end performance , er in district .
18 ‘ Can it wait till I 've started dinner ?
19 cos time was going on and I thought well just watch that , I knew you wanted it taped and I thought time were going on
20 ‘ I would not for a moment have it supposed that I mean anything derogatory to Dr. Yeats … but human nature is fallible .
21 This could also be entitled Stop Press , for it occurred after I had sent the first draft to the Hon.
22 I 'd like to try it straight to see how it looks and I 've heard there is a shampoo that temporarily smooths out the perm .
23 ‘ Well , now that I am here it looks like I shall stay until things quieten down .
24 Maxine : It looks like I 'm going to pick it up , but I 'm not .
25 And it looks like I 'm going to have to attend to that jockey girl . ’
26 With a lively three-year-old and a baby who grabs at everything in reach , it looks like I 'll be forced to live in near-empty rooms for some years to come .
27 It looks like I 'll have to put Danny on the bench and that will be a great opportunity for him .
28 It looks like I may be coming with you to Abbotsfield .
29 It looks like I 'll be in New York . ’
30 It looks like I 'll never live that fiasco down . )
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