Example sentences of "it [verb] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 So that it was only Creggan who heard old Minch 's final words : ‘ Help lies beyond the power of our wings and strength , it goes where our spirit goes .
2 It became a desperate struggle to get them on ; the longer it took the more difficult it became as my fingers became numb and useless .
3 Totally unprepared for an unexpected 5g demonstration loop , I realised I had been caught napping , and glanced at the g-meter in time for it to disappear as my sight blacked out .
4 If Britain wished to retain some semblance of leadership in Europe or even to maintain what it regarded as its special position there vis-à-vis the United States , some new arrangement would have to be found .
5 The Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) held on Dec. 14-16 what it described as its 40th congress , and the second since the change of name from Bulgarian Communist Party in April 1990 .
6 Zimerman 's , in particular , provides a memorably crystalline and trenchant communication of the score as it stands and his recording is surely among the most nobly austere , powerful and unadorned .
7 For a moment his face held its expression of ecstatic agony , then it crumpled and his eyes looked down , widening , horrified by what he had done .
8 When the late Conservative administration did its sums at the end of 1963 it found that its future programme worked out at an annual rate of increase of 4.1 per cent .
9 Then it roared and tried to stand up , and it was n't until it was nearly upright that it found that its feet were tied very firmly to the legs of its chair .
10 When the Rand study looked at five giant companies with Superfund sites , it found that their legal fees were only 21% of what they spent on cleaning up , and much less when only one company was involved in cleaning a site .
11 It transpired that her family had moved to Tala-Tala and she could n't face the daily ten miles on foot .
12 But it matters that his soul is n't perbene . ’
13 ‘ Like your rug over your knees , Gran ? ’ she asked , knowing it helped when her rheumatism was bad .
14 It adopted as its national anthem the former anthem of South Yemen , and as its flag the horizontal stripes of red , white and black , as used formerly by North Yemen , but without the green star in the centre .
15 It depends really does , cos Joe said something about it depends if her boyfriend 's got any money to come up or something or
16 A far narrower range of beliefs are attributable to the dog , specifically those that hark back to what we could immediately read off from similar behaviour in the case of a human being ; thus the dog believes his master is at the door but it would be a false move in the game also to ask if it believed that its master would be late the next day .
17 The tight leather skirt served to spread the sting across the surface of her whole comely derriere , making it feel like her arse was a bonfire .
18 You have no idea what a surge of adrenalin it caused when our crowd burst into voice like that , then gave such a huge cheer when a great Craig Chalmers diagonal found touch ten metres out .
19 What does it matter that its lights are dimmer ,
20 Why does it matter if your husband gets the lunch and drops the crumbs on the floor , so long as he clears up afterwards ?
21 Freddi did his Zsupan number with all the expertise of an old professional — miraculous ! — what did it matter if his voice had gone — and then , Busacher swallowed hard , realizing his heart was pounding dangerously fast , Therese made her entrance and began to sing .
22 ‘ You must be mad , insane , ’ Agnes almost yelled at her , only to clap a hand over her mouth and glance towards the door as if expecting it to open and her mother to appear ; and for a while there was silence between them , except for the slight moaning sound coming from Jessie .
23 Only in the last months of her life did it appear that her policy might not be sustained , because of the changed situation in England and France .
24 His face went as hard as the bronze , it resembled and his eyes said things I pretended not to hear .
25 and I 'm seeing the surgeon today and erm and I met somebody the other day who 'd had it done and his fingers were n't affected , you know , so I mean it 's just the luck of the draw I think .
26 The loss of equilibrium is seen as being both a root cause of the crisis when it occurs and its manifestation .
27 They sat there side by side , Faye and Roberta , staring at Alice , so unlike Mary and Reggie that Alice was even amused — inside , of course , not letting it show And her heart hurt for the girls .
28 In order to recognize the different characteristics of individual fabrics it is helpful to know a little about the raw materials used ( i.e. , fibre content ) and the weave and various finishes which may be applied to it , as it is the combination of these factors that affect its appearance , how it handles and its performance .
29 It happens that my father is one of the top people in what is known as Work Study .
30 Furthermore , it happens that our ideas are sometimes ‘ more strong , lively , and distinct ’ than at others .
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