Example sentences of "it [verb] [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Neither was it manipulated or controlled for specific stylistic effects concerned with those aspects .
2 It sought and found in Harry 's memory the niggling familiarity he had already sensed .
3 It was just that at the moment of climax when the escape had to be attempted or abandoned , it became if attempted something quite different from what it had been in the planning .
4 The problem is that in order to reassure you that the product has doubled the size of a hard disk , it lies when asked how much free space is left !
5 Apricot really stole a march on the competition last September with a couple of new PCs it described as optimized for workgroup operation .
6 It described as exaggerated the FMLN 's claim that it controlled 5,000 sq km of territory — a quarter of the country .
7 It caught and twisted at the heart , and there was no armour against it .
8 The press blamed us for Labour 's defeat , the Tories blamed us for Labour 's defeat and now it looks as thought the Labour Party is blaming us for Labour 's defeat .
9 In the meantime , it looks as thought he 's back to borrowing his brothers clothes again .
10 Does relative molecular mass have the same significance when applied to potassium chloride as it has when applied to benzene ?
11 In addition , numerical modelling of the geochemical trends indicates that within one cycle the magma may have evolved by inputs of discrete batches of primary peridotitic partial melt that fractionated as it rose and mixed with earlier magma prior to eruption .
12 As a protective measure it designed and distributed free to members a large luminous badge displaying the word " deaf " .
13 I stood staring at the jeep as it bumped and swayed over the uneven ground of the orchard until it reached the road and then disappeared in a cloud of dust .
14 In particular , the Luxembourg Compromise permitted a state to plead special circumstances in the Council of Ministers ; in other words it would be able to exercise a veto on matters which it believed and claimed might adversely affect its own vital national interests .
15 ‘ shall have effect as if it granted or provided for the grant of a tenancy for a term of 10 years , subject to a right exercisable either by the landlord or the tenant to determine the tenancy , if the war ends before the expiration of that term , by at least one month 's notice in writing given after the end of the war ; …
16 Green blood spurted wildly into the air , much of it landing into the stew pot where it fizzed and crackled like little gun shots .
17 ( b ) Insolvency The partnership share ( or , where the insolvent partner ceases to be a partner prior to any bankruptcy order , the right to have it ascertained and paid ) of an insolvent partner vests in his trustee in bankruptcy subject to any lien to which the continuing partners may be entitled under s39 of the Partnership Act and accordingly all partnership liabilities must be discharged and accounts between the partners settled before anything is paid over to the trustee .
18 It says that based on the cost reduction it has achieved in transferring 75% of assembly and test to Bangkok , Thailand , it would transfer the rest of its production to Bangkok over the next six months , enabling further cost reductions and facility consolidations at its San Jose site .
19 The case for using a Central Authority as a transmitting agency rests on the argument that the familiarity of its officers with the system of the Convention and with the practice of other countries would ensure that requests which it prepared or approved for transmission were in order and so would be handled expeditiously and without any need to refer a request back for clarification .
20 Normalising , we find unc We proceed to the third eigenvalue ; we further deflate A by subtracting the unit rank matrix ( 3 ) from A1 : unc Note that unc = 7.5 , while unc is in fact doubly degenerate ; it vanishes when premultiplied by unc or
21 most of it written or co-written by him .
22 Mr Brazauskas , 60 , was head of Lithuania 's Communist Party when it rebelled and split with Moscow in 1989 .
23 The agreement , subject to negotiation of final terms and conditions , provides that $8m , which was due on March 1 , will be due for repayment on December 31 1993 , and the other $8m on March 1 , 1994 ; Commodore and Prudential also agreed in principle to extend a March 1 $5m senior note repayment to December 31 , and the company said it paid as scheduled the remaining $12.5m senior note maturities due to Prudential and to another of its lenders .
24 Aboard the plane as it climbed and headed out over the Gulf of Finland she sat in a daze .
25 It writhed and curled in the fire as if it was alive .
26 It bubbled and steamed like corrosive acid .
27 It bubbled and spat through a layer of brown scum that stained the outside of the pan , but it smelt good , almost as good as the dinners Frankie sometimes had at school .
28 Snugly fitted into it they were flicked out , bulky and milk-white as the pearls from Madeleine 's necklace the time it broke and spilt into her plate at lunch .
29 Then he added : ‘ I 'll leave it packed and labelled to the left of the door in the painting shed .
30 Crumpling the envelope in her hand , she tossed it into the fire , watching intently while it blackened and burned before returning to the single sheet of cheap paper .
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