Example sentences of "it [verb] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it says nothing about the register being evidence of ownership , and it is not clear what role , if any , it plays in converting an equitable interest to a legal one .
2 At this point we might begin to talk about ‘ the state ’ as something which extends beyond government ( and especially beyond the Government of the day ) and the part which it plays in ordering our lives through its claims to guarantee , represent and provide for the common interests of its citizens .
3 If you are uncertain of the type of frame you want to use , or even of the very important role it plays in setting off the finished picture , browsing through the photographs in this book should give you a good idea of the tremendous versatility of frames , and also show you how the correct frame will focus the eye on the design itself , as well as balance all its elements .
4 However , its most serious effect for Brazil is likely to be the role it plays in delaying a southerly weather front which many regions of north-eastern Brazil rely on for rain .
5 If ‘ it is raining ’ expresses the belief that it is raining , but says not that I , the speaker , have that belief , but simply that it is raining , it would appear that it differs in meaning from ‘ I believe that it is raining ’ .
6 It differs from boiling in that the steam produced cooks the food resulting in a smaller loss of minerals and nutrients , however as steaming takes longer there is a corresponding reduction in the level of vitamin C.
7 Skin itching worse ( < ) for heat , scratching ameliorates ( > ) but it turns to burning .
8 An adult 's constant blaming of another can also be heard as the angry protest of the deprived internal infant within that adult body , and when it turns to whining , may also serve to express the yearning and become an attempt to control the whereabouts of the other .
9 Their fiction was considered significant because it succeeded in expressing this new experience .
10 Though it succeeded in slowing inflation , it also slowed growth and became increasingly unpopular .
11 In the process , it succeeded in enlisting financial and political support from central government .
12 Even if we disregard the sporadic use of violence against the movement , and its infiltration by spies and agents provocateurs , it is clear that it was generally considered by the controlling bodies of universities and by party politicians as an illegitimate form of political action , even though its principal aim was to extend democratic participation in one of the most important institutions ( both economically and culturally ) of modern society , and in many cases it succeeded in enlivening academic studies , as well as improving methods of teaching and assessment .
13 It succeeded in learning how to reverse the truck into the bay .
14 It succeeded in removing all but 10 mg of the 4,000 mg of sulphur per cubic metre of coal — a success rate of 99.99 per cent .
15 When the British state began its policies of social interventionism from 1945 , it succeeded in fragmenting the local power base of unionism by centralizing the sources of welfare and making them at least in part available across the sectarian divide .
16 The mighty Great Eastern not only laid a new cable ; it succeeded in hauling up the earlier one splicing on a centre-piece , and lowering it again to the sea-bed .
17 Ross McKibbin and Bernard Barker feel that the Labour Party was making determined efforts to improve both its national and local organization and that , despite some obvious difficulties , it succeeded in doing so .
18 The strength of the DCAC was not simply that it had the backing of the existing leadership of anti-Unionist opinion in Derry , but also that it succeeded in attracting new people who had not previously been involved in any kind of political activity but who found unsuspected reservoirs of energy and initiative .
19 It provided the leadership in February , it succeeded in opening the eyes of the more backward sections of the proletariat and the working masses to the reactionary nature of the petty-bourgeois and liberal parties , it welded the proletariat into an invincible revolutionary force and , drawing the poor peasants into alliance with them , it led the October revolution .
20 We shall see how much or how little of local nuances it succeeded in conveying to the top authorities .
21 It drew together several countries in a common body which controlled important areas of the economy ; it was a sign of Franco-German rapprochement and it paved the way for the full removal of post-war industrial controls on West Germany by the Western allies ; it succeeded in overcoming doubt and opposition from politicians and industrialists ; and it created a workable machinery .
22 However , it did mark the first major overhaul of the Treaties of Rome , it reformed EC institutions to some extent and it succeeded in keeping the members united .
23 This chapter will therefore examine also whether the action project had any effect upon cognitive impairment ( Did it help to delay deterioration , or even improve , mental state ? ) ; whether dementia sufferers in the action project expressed less worry , sadness , loneliness than those in the control samples ; whether the project helped people to maintain their capacity to cope with certain tasks or activities of daily living ; and finally whether it succeeded in obtaining more of other community services for its clients than were obtained by those in the control sample ( eg more home help , meals-on-wheels , day care , home nursing , and so on ) .
24 When it got within spitting distance of Mafouz , who was now standing , arms loosely apart , mouth open , as if hypnotized by the thing 's movements , it did a sharp turn to the left , bounced along horizontally for a few yards , and then snarled up and down to land on the unfortunate boy 's head .
25 In the area of the language skills , it refers to speaking and writing .
26 It refers to exploring the scope for reducing , or eliminating , duplication of efforts and resources .
27 Or rather it contributes by setting the question in a certain way .
28 There 's a lorry loaded up with a lot of engines , and it goes off dropping them off and as it as you take an engine so N is the number of engines taken off .
29 ‘ Then it goes without coughing and spluttering .
30 We used to pull his leg about this , asking him if he could remember which one it was tonight , and it goes without saving that the two girls were not even on nodding terms with each other .
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