Example sentences of "to he [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 SO MANY have praised Graeme Hick that there must be more to him than has been revealed .
2 Now if I 'm presenting my centre line to Tony and speaking to him that feels fine yeah , but if I talk to you Dave over my shoulder like that I mean how does that feel ?
3 Ask , and it shall be given you ; seek , and ye shall find ; knock , and it shall be opened unto you ; For every one that asketh receiveth ; and he that seeketh findeth ; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened .
4 Those who would like to check the validity of this view can see his portrait in the church at Arona or , more spectacularly , visit the colossal statue to him that stands a little to the north of the town .
5 You should have said , the tap 's nowt to do with us it belongs to him that has the garage !
6 He that seeks , finds , to him that knocks it will be opened .
7 To him that hath not
8 To him that hath shall be given ’ was a truism of early medieval society .
9 She comes quickly up to him and smiles into his face .
10 You have to have some enthusiasm to do such a person justice , whereas Jahn has an instinctive antipathy to him and listens with his ears half stopped up .
11 Betty gradually breaks the news to him and helps Frank to the sofa , where he asks , ‘ And can he tell ?
12 it 's not even worth having , talking to him and calls her .
13 When someone comes up to him and says , ‘ Hey , Per , could you do a concert in aid or our church roof , £20 expenses , staying overnight with the verger and his wife ? ’ , he says , ‘ Of course !
14 And Paul comes up to him and says , you 're totally wrong , out of order here Peter , erm you know what , what you know I mean you 're afraid , that 's , that 's your problem .
15 In the night in a vision , God speaks to him and says , " Moses , you were wrong .
16 Yeah , but I tell you what about then I says to him I went to him and says erm about the stamp thirty one hundred , he says erm
17 In these lines , Brutus is saying that the only way to stop Caesar becoming emperor is to kill him , and although he has no personal grievances against Caesar ( Caesar is kind to him and favours him ) , it would be bad for the people of Rome ( ‘ the general ’ ) if he were to be crowned .
18 She goes up to him and tells him to stuff himself and in a flat half-minute he 's belting the old lorry up the London road .
19 Eve comes to him and tells him what she 's done .
20 " I 'm afraid of what she 'll do , " the man says when I was looking in through the window , and then the other woman goes up to him and starts loving him .
21 If a testator has left a legacy of something belonging to him and has alienated it as a consequence of urgent necessity , the trust can be claimed unless it should be shown that the testator intended to adeem it : moreover proof of changed intention is to be required from the heirs .
22 She has been grateful to leave the arguing to him and has rewarded him with gold medal after gold medal .
23 As Frodo feels the pressure of the Eye on Amon Hen , a Voice speaks to him and gives him a moment of freedom to act .
24 Indeed Tatchell , in his book on the events of those months , surveys the hate mail sent to him and concludes as much ( Battle , 72 ) .
25 He takes what we make available to him and makes out of it what he will .
26 Another shrouded figure comes up to him and rips the clothing off .
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